Psychological problems occur in women in the postpartum period along with physiological changes. It is important to know about them and try to deal with them.

The main postpartum problems include:
- An unpleasant feeling towards a child arises as a reaction to the end of a carefree life. Now it is necessary to reconsider the possibility of entertainment, the family budget and its planning articles. The husband's love and attention will now also be shared between two. The sensation goes away on its own, gradually, but in some cases the help of a specialist is needed.
- A depressive state arises from tension and despair, when a large number of cases from all areas of family life are dumped on a woman. This is caring for and feeding a child, housekeeping and maintaining a relationship with her husband.
- Fear after childbirth, consisting in the fear of not coping and not falling in love with the child as much as we would like.
- Feelings of guilt at the birth of a girl instead of the expected boy.
- Depression and depression, if the woman does not feel the proper help and support.
- Excessive caring, which leads to increased anxiety. For example, how to hold a baby so as not to break his neck, since newborns do not hold their head on their own. In this case, mothers every minute look to see if the child is breathing, if everything is all right with him.
- Fear of breastfeeding, losing your husband and his love is another common psychological problem. This is due to painful sensations during the first feedings and the fear of losing the shape and elasticity of the breast.

The birth of a child is a kind of stress for the mother, when not only the body is rebuilt, but also the psyche. So that psychological changes do not harm the health of a woman, child and loved ones, it is important first of all to listen to your body and baby.
For example, feeding does not have to be done strictly according to the clock - the child will tell about this himself. Also, you do not need to limit yourself in communication, interesting pastime and pleasant emotions. Try to be in public more often, meet with friends, give your family the opportunity to help you - both in the household and in caring for the newborn.