How Dolls Help Solve Psychological Problems Of A Child

How Dolls Help Solve Psychological Problems Of A Child
How Dolls Help Solve Psychological Problems Of A Child

There is a technique that can cope with most of the psychological problems in children. She amazes with her simplicity and at the same time wisdom. Over the years of its existence, she has already helped many families and continues to rush to help all those in need.


"Puppet therapy" is an original way of solving psychological problems of both children and their parents. The method is called dramatic psycho-elevation, which in translation means "the elevation of the soul." The prefix "dramatic" is used because the theatrical method is used in this method.

Children who come to classes are confident that they are mastering acting and learning to operate dolls. So it is, but unlike the drama club, children here also learn to manage their emotions. The plots that they play with their parents are not accidental. The doll voices the experiences of the heroes. And depending on the child's problems, a certain role is played.

Already in the first lesson, he has a puppet hero - a dog, which he himself makes with his parents. Over time, this toy becomes a member of the family. The child begins to treat her as if she were alive. In fact, this dog is a mirror image of the child, his state of mind. Only parents know about it.


Due to the behavior of his puppet dog, the child finds himself in various unpleasant situations and extricates himself from them, influencing his character. He is endowed with qualities that the child does not yet have. If he is cowardly, his hero is brave, if he is greedy, then the doll is generous, etc. The child plays the ideal model of behavior, which remains in his subconscious, and sooner or later transforms it.

This path is often difficult, because the main thing is to identify the true problem in the child. Discerning parents can make the correct diagnosis for their offspring, which can be confirmed already in the first lesson, but there are those who concentrate only on the external, and it will take time to determine the true cause. First, children go to an initial appointment, which helps to collect information about them, the family and possible problems. All this is done in a veiled form during the game.

Not only children play. In the middle of the lesson, psychologists themselves act as puppets, acting out various situations. They explain to children what is good and what is bad. Then there is a discussion about the lost scene. Gradually, the heroes are transformed and become "white and fluffy."


During the break, the psychologist plays with the children. But this is not only a game, but actions aimed at increasing attention and memory. They help children to relax, get to know each other and unite. Parents at this time discuss with the psychologist the problems of their children.

The presence of parents in the classroom is a prerequisite, and they must take an active part in the process. Thus, the rallying of parents and child takes place. And then the success from such treatment will be very high. In the classroom, problems are solved not only for children, but also for their parents, because they cannot exist separately.

The technique has existed since 2010. From the very beginning, it was intended for shy children suffering from various phobias, but due to the success of the technique, children with gross behavioral disorders began to be brought to them. So now this school accepts children with various deviations in the psychological sphere.

It is important to understand that it is not dolls that are treated, but people, and the effect of treatment does not depend on the entourage, but on the ability of people to solve the main problem associated with the mental world of the child, and without simplifying this world, make it more harmonious.
