How To Teach A Child To Solve Math Problems

How To Teach A Child To Solve Math Problems
How To Teach A Child To Solve Math Problems

Table of contents:


A lot of attention is paid to solving problems in the study of mathematics in elementary school. It is necessary to teach the child to find a solution, correctly formulate it in a notebook, explain what is found in a particular action. Most of the problems arise when looking for a solution. In this case, the main responsibilities are assigned to the teacher, but the responsibility of the parents is to consolidate knowledge at home and work on the development of the child. And this should be done long before schooling.

How to teach a child to solve math problems
How to teach a child to solve math problems


Step 1

Teach your child to establish logical connections between objects and phenomena. For example, why is one of the adjacent multi-storey buildings higher and the other lower? For an adult, it is obvious that its height depends on the number of floors. This connection, perhaps with your help, should be established by the child. Why did the wolf get to grandma's house faster than Little Red Riding Hood? Establish a relationship between the length of the path and time (in this case, the concept of "speed" can be ignored). Why is there enough human strength to move some objects, while for others you have to call a crane? Teach your child to answer the questions "how?", "Why?", "Why?", "From where?" and others like them, develop the ability to establish logical connections.

Step 2

Expand your child's horizons. Reading various fiction and children's popular science literature will help you do this. Receiving answers to many "why?", The little person learns the world. In the future, when solving mathematical problems, he, using his horizons, and understanding how certain processes occur, he will easily find a solution.

Excursions, classes in various circles and sections expand their horizons and replenish knowledge about the world around them.

Step 3

Work on how quickly your child reads printed text. It is impossible to solve a problem by reading it syllables and by the end of the reading forgetting what was discussed at the beginning! After reading the problem, ask your child a few questions about its content. Check if he understands what it is about.

Step 4

Ensure that the child has a firm assimilation of the relationships between the units of measurement of quantities. It is imperative to know that 1 meter contains 100 centimeters, and 1 centner contains 100 kilograms!

Step 5

Form your child's ability to solve simple problems in one action. Examples of these can be found in mathematics textbooks.

Step 6

When solving a compound problem (in several actions), break it down into simple tasks that the child already knows how to solve.

Step 7

Automate the skill of verbal counting. Addition and subtraction within 100 (all cases) and easy calculations within 1000, as well as the multiplication table, the child should know well.

Step 8

To solve some problems (for movement, for example), you need to know the formulas. Test their knowledge with a child.

Step 9

Work on building problem-solving skills in a systematic way, not on a case-by-case basis. The results will be visible only with daily hard work.
