The decor and cleanliness in the house reflect not only the habits of its owner, but also the personality traits. Having looked closely at a number of insignificant details in other people's walls, you can learn about a person that he will not tell about himself. And if you transfer the observations to your own home, you will be able to discover your hidden psychological problems.

Indifference to appearance
The fact that a person is indifferent to his appearance will eloquently tell the state of the bathroom. After all, it is in this part of the apartment that you can retire, hide from the rest of the world and household members, relax in hot water, or, conversely, cheer up under a cold shower, pamper yourself with products from beautiful jars.
If in the "kingdom of tiles and ceramics" order is always maintained, and the shelves are filled with cosmetics, gels, shampoos, then the owner of the home clearly takes care of himself and devotes enough time to his appearance. It's quite another matter when the bathroom is in disrepair, and from the care products there are only an old bar of soap and a yellowed washcloth. Psychologists associate such disregard for the state of the bathroom with a high level of stress and indifference of the owner of the house to his appearance.
Pathological hoarding

This symptom of compulsive behavior is the desire of a person to surround himself, at times, with completely unnecessary things. Most often, such people keep their numerous "wealth" at home. If the apartment has long been turned into a warehouse for storing garbage, old things, unnecessary trash, and these stocks are not thrown away, but on the contrary, are regularly replenished, then most likely the landlord has the notorious “Plyushkin syndrome”.
If the careful attitude to unnecessary things has not yet reached the scale of a natural disaster within the framework of this apartment, we can talk about the conservative character of its owner. Such people are extremely sensitive to changes and try not to disrupt their usual way of life, surrounding themselves with useless, but such familiar things.

The state of the kitchen will eloquently tell about depressive disorders. After all, this part of the apartment, like no other, needs regular cleaning, at least for reasons of hygiene and safety. Therefore, even chronic lazy people try to keep the dishes, refrigerator, kitchen furniture and appliances clean.
If the owner is indifferent to dried food residues on the table, drops of fat on the stove, traces of tea and coffee on cups, then these signals indicate a state of depression. Indifference to oneself, one's health and a breakdown lead to the fact that a person is ready to put up with dirt, without making any efforts to eliminate it.

The habit of procrastination in psychology is called procrastination. In everyday life, this disorder manifests itself in an unreasonably long accumulation of garbage, dirty linen in the basket or dirty dishes in the sink. Instead of regularly doing small amount of current household chores, a person accumulates them for days, weeks, or even months.
As a result, the balcony may be littered with old debris or the last clean towel will remain in the closet. But it's even more dangerous when procrastination negatively affects work or relationships with people. Therefore, the fight against this problem should be started just with everyday little things, adhering to a clear plan of housekeeping.
The habit of living the future

It is not for nothing that psychology teaches everyone to enjoy the moment, to live "here and now." When a person perceives his present as a temporary and fleeting phenomenon, his apartment acquires characteristic features. As a rule, this manifests itself in domestic disorder and the absence of minimal repairs: a creaky floor, peeled wallpaper, broken plumbing, a pile of boxes instead of a cabinet.
The owner of such an uncomfortable apartment clearly does not consider it as a permanent place of residence. Probably, he is not ready to spend money on the arrangement, because he is thinking about moving, buying a new home. But worst of all, if a person is not going to act, but hopes that all problems will disappear by themselves.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with planning for the future, but sometimes temporary domestic disorder stretches over many years. And people live in this wretched environment, in vain denying themselves minimal comfort.
For a person who does not want to grow up, the apartment looks empty and uncomfortable. In it you can find the very minimum of necessary things, which creates the effect of an impersonal hotel room. As a rule, this approach to organizing life and living space is typical for young people who do not spend much time at home.
If, with age, the owner of the apartment did not develop a craving for comfort, then his growing up was clearly delayed. Alternatively, he is waiting or looking for a partner who organizes the change for him.
Demonstrative behavior

Demonstrative personalities are used to doing everything for show, wanting to impress others and show themselves from their best side. At first glance, such people will have a clean, beautiful and comfortable house. But if you check closed cabinets or shelves, you can find unpleasant surprises in the form of junk, crumpled items or debris.
Obviously, the owners of such apartments are not so important order in the house as the desire to convince guests of this. Therefore, they do not bother themselves with global cleaning, but mask the traces of their slovenliness behind beautiful furniture facades.