So that family life does not turn into a routine, you need to try to diversify it. Moreover, this task should lie on the shoulders of both spouses, and not turn into the default responsibility of one person. Arrange holidays and parties, invite friends, and if you don't want to see anyone from outsiders, but you are still in high spirits, arrange a surprise for your other half.

Step 1
For a surprise, the reason does not matter. Arrange a holiday for your husband even on a weekday. True, it should be borne in mind that the next morning your spouse will have to get up early, and so that it is not painfully unpleasant for him to get out of bed with a stone head from lack of sleep, try not to delay this event.
Step 2
A romantic dinner is perfect as a surprise. It's corny, but it works. Moreover, modern service allows housewives to avoid the watch at the stove. Anything you want to see on the table can be simply ordered. The products you choose will be delivered to your home, and for the price, this service will not be too high. The main thing in this case is to think over the attributes in advance: candles, flowers, symbols (if you are planning a thematic evening).
Step 3
If you want to surprise your own spouse for real, secretly invite his friends to visit and come up with a reason for the holiday that concerns only your other half (for example, if the Builder's Day is on the calendar, and your spouse is related to this profession). True, you will first need to find out if your spouse is planning a corporate party. Otherwise, you will have to entertain the guests yourself. If your man is absolutely free after work, go for it! Believe me, he will be pleasantly surprised by the unexpected manifestation of your concern.
Step 4
Your marriage has been going on for several years and you have young children? Send them to relatives for just one evening, without warning your spouse about it. Spend this time together, remember your youth! Believe me, you will have something to do when you are alone with each other.
Step 5
In order to arrange a surprise for her husband, a spouse with experience does not need a lot of imagination. During the time spent together, she should already know all his desires by heart. Therefore, in order to please her other half, she will only need to remember what he loves and choose from this list what he has not received for a long time.