Can A Wife's Frigidity Cause Divorce?

Can A Wife's Frigidity Cause Divorce?
Can A Wife's Frigidity Cause Divorce?

It is unlikely that there is at least one man in the world who is capable of writing the reason for divorce in a statement of claim for divorce: "wife's frigidity." Shackled by moral principles and traditions, people are afraid to bring their personal life to the general judgment. Meanwhile, female frigidity is one of the main real reasons for the dissolution of many marriages.

Legal side of the issue

From a religious point of view, frigidity is not a reason for divorce. In legal practice, this reason is used, but it is called differently: "physiological incompatibility." However, this incompatibility cannot be determined in the event that a woman fulfills her marital duties, that is, she does not refuse sex with her husband, but does everything not the way he wants. If there are children in the family, then their mere birth testifies to the fact that there is sex or, at least, there was, which means that there can be no talk of any refusal to fulfill marital duty in principle.

According to statistical studies, 16% of divorced men consider sexual dissatisfaction to be a sufficient reason for divorce. Among women, this figure is much higher - 45%. This disagreement is due to the fact that many men believe that high sexual activity of a wife can lead to adultery, and prefer to build a family with a cold, but 100% "their" woman.

Is frigidity a cause or consequence of a failed marriage?

Psychologists recommend not to consider female frigidity as a kind of stand-alone phenomenon. Very often, a woman becomes frigid simply because she stops loving her husband or cannot forgive the wrongs he has inflicted. Loving, spiritually connected spouses do not get hung up on sex and know how to give each other pleasure even when normal sex is impossible for physiological reasons.

Sexual indifference to a partner is a consequence of an emotional break in the family. Men very often forget that sex is not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy. In women, these concepts are inextricably linked, so their lack of orgasm and frigidity most often indicate that love, unfortunately, has already passed.

Different coordinate systems

Men and women have different assessments of the importance of sex in family life. After the birth of their first child, most women "switch" to caring for the baby and generally stop thinking about marital responsibilities. We must not forget that sex is intended by nature for procreation. The instinct tells the young mother: since the child is born, then there is no need to think about procreation yet.

Painful, difficult childbirth, inadequate care of the husband for his wife during pregnancy, or the restless nature of the newborn can trigger the onset of postpartum depression. Or maybe the young mother is just tired, and it is worth helping her and letting her sleep at least once, instead of demanding the fulfillment of marital duties after an exhausting 24-hour watch?
