It is necessary to instill in the baby a love of work from early childhood. With a little effort, you will raise a child who will become your main helper in the future.

Step 1
Gradually instill self-care skills in very small toddlers. Teach your child to wash on their own, use a towel, brush their teeth and button up. First you have to help him, but be patient, soon he will learn to do all this himself.
Step 2
A personal example is the best teacher. It is unlikely that in a family of lazy and passive parents, the baby will grow up to be a workaholic. Do not chase your child away if he wants to help you or just see what you are doing. Show and tell him exactly what you are doing and why. Thus, you pass on your experience to the baby.
Step 3
Give your child some simple homework. Start with simple tasks. Teach him how to clean his toys, dishes from the table, water indoor flowers, take care of his shoes and put clothes in the closet.
Step 4
Share the secrets of cooking with the little hostesses, and let dad devote his son to the intricacies of men's work. Although, this is a conditional division, if the boy wants to learn how to cook, help him with this.
Step 5
As children grow up, they often ask to buy them a pet. Agree on the condition that the baby will take on some of the responsibilities for caring for the animal. Responsibility and caring for a pet discipline the child and make them feel the importance and significance of their work.
Step 6
Consider the individual characteristics and age of the child. He should not be exhausted when carrying out your assignment. Be sure to praise and thank the child for the work done. Encourage the child's labor initiative and rejoice with him on a high-quality task. Come up with a small reward for completing particularly difficult assignments.
Step 7
Never punish a child with labor: "You did not listen to me, as a punishment, wash the floor in your room." This will only discourage the desire to work and help parents. You should not immediately subject the result of child labor to severe criticism, just tactfully explain and show how to do this or that work correctly.