How To Educate Your Child About The Right Attitude To Money

How To Educate Your Child About The Right Attitude To Money
How To Educate Your Child About The Right Attitude To Money

The sooner you start bringing up an adult attitude to money in a child, the more chances that he will not sit on his parent's neck until the age of thirty. If there is a gap in this area of education, then you need to hurry up and fix the situation.

How to educate your child about the right attitude to money
How to educate your child about the right attitude to money

Child from 3 to 5 years old

At this age, the child should be told that money does not magically appear in the wallet. The child must know the basic basics: parents are paid a salary, this money is cashed and spent on the right things. From time to time, these colored pieces of paper should be given to the child just to hold.

Together with the child, you can build 3 boxes on which the inscriptions are made: "income", "expenses", "savings". Let the child arrange coins on them himself, and the parents will explain literally on their fingers how it all happens in life.

Child from 6 to 8 years old

A child of this age needs to be given pocket money. You don't need to give a lot, just once a week something in the range of 50 - 80 rubles. Strict control is not needed, but it is definitely worth asking where the child is going to spend the given amount. This good experiment will teach the child in practice not to make mistakes in economics, and will not hit the parent's pocket.

If the parents have a deposit in the bank, then it is best to replenish it regularly with the child. Let them scribble on unnecessary papers and tick the receipts.

Child from 9 to 11 years old

At this age, the child should be told that money can bring money. If a parent himself understands the concepts of interest, stocks and the like, then it's time to enlighten his child in this area.

If the parents themselves are investors, then it would be a sin not to devote the child to all these charts and quotes. It may happen that a financial genius grows out of him.

Child from 12 to 15 years old

For this age, it is important to support the child's desire to earn money on his own. Any part-time job, be it collecting potatoes or distributing leaflets near the metro, will increase the teenager's self-esteem. Maybe in order to spur him on this path, you should cut your pocket money?

You can start a box at home, where tasks with a description of the work and payment for them will be thrown. If he wants, he will. But this work should not be in any way connected with household chores, otherwise, soon even the cups will be washed only for a certain fee.

Over 16

It's time to teach your teen to plan for expenses. You need to arm yourself with a pen and paper, and let him write down his income - expenses in the same way as parents do.
