Often grandfathers and grandmothers seek to give good advice or offer help, believing that they know everything about raising children. At best, parents listen to or ignore such concern, at worst, everything ends in conflict. It is better not to argue about the methods of upbringing, but to give grandchildren what their mothers and fathers cannot afford.

Step 1
Take care of the cultural education of the child. It is unlikely that parents will have time to visit various exhibitions and theaters. Just try not to impose your own attachments on your grandson. If you love opera, this does not mean at all that the child will treat it with the same enthusiasm. If the grandson, due to his age, cannot, in your opinion, make the right choice, then take a closer look at his interests. If he loves to paint, then the Tretyakov Gallery will certainly delight him. But the lover of football and active games will most likely be bored there. However, this does not mean at all that such a child is not given the opportunity to get acquainted with art. Just postpone this activity until the moment when the child consciously wants to expand his horizons.
Step 2
Take on the moral education of your grandson. Try to demonstrate to him how important it is to be kind, fair, and merciful. Instill in him a love for animals, nature and the cleanliness of your city. The purchase of a pet, a joint-planted tree, arrangement of a garden near the house can help you with this. So that you do not try to show the child, try not to force him to any activities. This is fraught with the fact that you will permanently lose the location of the child and he will stop listening to you.
Step 3
No matter how uneducated it may sound, but … pamper your grandson. Usually, parents try not to allow the child too much, so as not to spoil him, but a small deviation from the rules is sometimes necessary for every person. Try not to overdo it, but you have every right to concede in the little things. Keep in mind that this behavior is appropriate only in those moments that are not important to parents. Better yet, you give your child what the parents cannot afford. This applies not only to the material side of life, but also, for example, an unscheduled trip to the country.