Raising a teenager is a complex process. Long lectures, remarks, edifying advice, he takes with hostility. After all, he is sure that he himself knows everything and knows how. In a dispute, a teenager does not show patience, he does not care about the opinion of adults. The family, which was once sweet to him, fades into the background. A grown-up child becomes sad in the midst of everyday conversations.

Step 1
When communicating with a teenager, avoid reproaches, claims, insults from your side. Otherwise, not finding understanding in the family, he can easily leave the house. Join a pack of the same teenagers that no one understands. The consequences can be unpredictable.
Step 2
If a teenager does not want to fulfill his duties and does everything in spite of you, for example, turns on loud music, try talking to him from the first or third person. In doing so, do not think about his behavior. Say something like, "Loud music raises my blood pressure" or "Children who neglect their studies will not be able to achieve anything in life."
Step 3
A friendly and polite tone is a guarantee that your teenager will hear you. When talking to your child, never scream.
Step 4
If a grown-up child is telling something, listen carefully. After all, who, no matter how you, teach him by example to be an attentive listener. If you yourself are annoyed, it is better to postpone the conversation with the teenager.
Step 5
When you want to start a conversation with your child, the first step is to make eye contact with him. If a teen is looking at you, great. If not, ask him about it. This technique works effectively in the case of husbands, when it is necessary to draw their attention to themselves.
Step 6
Voice your question or request when your child makes eye contact with you. By using these tactics on a regular basis, you will train him to listen carefully to you. The main thing, remember, a teenager is also a person who must be respected.