When planning the purchase of a child car seat, all parents think about which one is better to choose. There are several important criteria to consider for your child to be comfortable and safe.

When buying a child car seat, you should pay attention to:
- side protection;
- mount;
- belt length;
- additional adjustments;
- weight and seat upholstery.
Weigh your child before purchasing a seat. After all, such goods are divided into groups precisely by weight.
Side protection in case of an emergency will protect your baby from side impact.
For increased child safety, choose a car seat that is very easy to secure. In this case, the backlash along the belt should be minimal. Choose chairs with additional fixings. They must also match the height and build of the baby.
An important element when choosing a car seat is the upholstery. It should not be made of "sliding" materials. Give preference to cotton covers. Firstly, it will be more comfortable for the baby, and secondly, it will protect him.
You should not take a child car seat over 2.5 kg.
The car seat must be equipped with adjusters. For example, if your child falls asleep on the road, you can change the backrest tilt. Some models have seat width adjustment.