Child And TV: Rules Of Interaction

Child And TV: Rules Of Interaction
Child And TV: Rules Of Interaction

In our modern age, it is difficult to imagine life without a TV. In many families, he works constantly, as they say, "for the background." And if we, adults, can filter the endless stream of unnecessary information, then for the child the TV poses a real threat, both from the point of view of health and from the point of view of psychological development.

Child and TV: rules of interaction
Child and TV: rules of interaction

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely exclude watching TV from the child's life, therefore it is necessary to remember the main rules of interaction between a child and a TV.

How much to watch?

TV viewing time directly depends on the age of the child. Most doctors agree that a TV set for a child under the age of two is absolutely contraindicated. At this age, the dynamic picture on the screen negatively affects not only the baby's visual apparatus, but also the brain activity and the state of the nervous system as a whole. After 2 years, it is already possible for the child to turn on the TV, but no longer than 15 minutes a day. After the baby turns 3 years old, you can gradually increase the TV viewing time and by the age of 6, bring it to 40 minutes a day. At the same time, it is recommended to divide this time into several sessions. After seven years, you can allow your child to watch TV for about an hour, but also do not forget about the breaks.

How to watch?

In addition to restrictions on viewing time, it is necessary that the child watches TV correctly.

  • First, the distance from the eyes to the screen must be at least 3 meters and increase in proportion to the increase in the diagonal of the TV.
  • Secondly, it is harmful for children, as well as for adults, to watch TV in the dark. The fact is that the contrast between a dark room and a bright TV screen creates a noticeable strain on the eyes. Therefore, when watching TV at night, it is necessary to turn on the overhead light or at least a lamp as an additional source of illumination.
  • Thirdly, it is ideal if the parents do not leave the child with the "blue screen" alone. Watching TV together with the baby will allow you to control the incoming information, the adult will be able to explain to the child what will seem incomprehensible to him and make sure that the above viewing rules are respected.

What to watch?

Of course, films aimed at an adult audience, especially action films and horror films, are completely unsuitable for children, although, often, what is happening on the screen can be very interesting for a child. It is imperative to remember that up to 10 years old a child does not distinguish well the line between reality and what is happening on the TV screen. Hence, sleep disorders, and moods, and increased excitability, and various childhood fears. Therefore, only kind and instructive cartoons and TV programs are suitable for the children's audience. It is necessary that the behavior of the heroes contributes to the development of positive character traits - responsiveness, compassion, respect, generosity, caring for the younger ones, etc. Conversely, cartoon characters who maim or kill each other, behave incorrectly from a safety point of view, are unlikely to teach a child anything useful. Preference should be given to high-quality cartoons, with pleasant, not ugly characters and good music. Old Soviet cartoons, as well as the classics of the Walt Disney studio, are perfect for a start.
