You are faced with a difficult situation: you need to pick up your child from school, transfer him to another educational institution. The reasons for this can be different: misunderstanding and disagreements with teachers and classmates, conflicts, low level of teaching knowledge, moving to another district or city. You are at a crossroads and do not know what is the best way to proceed: to take the child out of school or not, and if you do, then how to make the transition to another educational institution painless.

- - pen;
- - leaf;
- - private bussiness;
- - medical card.
Step 1
Taking your child's documents from school, you are afraid: how your child will react to the new team, and how the team will react to the newcomer. The younger the child, the easier the process of adaptation in society takes place, and, conversely, over time it will be harder and harder for him to get used to the new environment, and most importantly, to new people.
Step 2
Decide which school your son or daughter will go to. This can be an ordinary general education school, an elementary school (for students in the first to fourth grades), a gymnasium school or a lyceum school. If you are going to transfer your child to a specialized school with specialized classes or, for example, with in-depth study of foreign languages, consider his abilities.
Step 3
Be prepared for the fact that the child may simply not pull the program and you will have to return to the regular class. At the same time, the underweight of a child is also a problem. He becomes bored in the classroom, laziness and apathy appear, he is distracted, the craving for knowledge disappears. Always set a higher bar in front of your child. This is necessary in order for him to see what to strive for.
Step 4
After choosing a school, make sure there are free places. It often happens that in many prestigious schools (gymnasiums, lyceums) all the places for students are occupied. Get tested. Now they are required for admission or transfer to any educational institution (except preschool). As part of the testing, your child will take control tests, the results of which will determine the level of his knowledge.
Step 5
Talk to the new principal with all the details you are interested in regarding the schedule, after-school classes, and extracurricular activities. Cover financial issues. Sign a tuition contract if the new school is private.
Step 6
Take a certificate of enrollment. Without this document, you simply will not be given the child's personal file in the old school (with the exception of moving to another country or city). Present the received certificate to the director in the old educational institution.
Step 7
Write a request for expulsion in the name of the director. Take the child's documents (personal file, medical card, vaccination card). Bring all the documentation you received to the new school. Based on them, you will receive an enrollment order.