Can A Father Pick Up A Child From Kindergarten If The Parents Are Divorced

Can A Father Pick Up A Child From Kindergarten If The Parents Are Divorced
Can A Father Pick Up A Child From Kindergarten If The Parents Are Divorced

After the divorce procedure is over, conflicts between former spouses do not always end. They continue mainly due to disagreement about the upbringing of common children.

Can a father pick up a child from kindergarten if the parents are divorced
Can a father pick up a child from kindergarten if the parents are divorced

It is rather difficult to predict how the relationship between two people who entered into a marriage union will develop in the future - even if it is due to the greatest love. Divorce was and remains not a particularly rare occurrence, and the most pressing issues that arise after the family broke up are those related to raising children.

Rights in relation to parenting after divorce

What are the rights of the spouse with whom the child does not live with respect to raising a child? In most cases, after a divorce, children remain with their mother. This situation does not always suit the fathers, a showdown begins, which is why the former spouses often have to go through many more unpleasant moments.

Divorce can happen for a variety of reasons, but do not forget that after the dissolution of a marriage, relations only between spouses change significantly. As for the relationship between the child and the father, in legal terms, they do not change much. Many fathers do not want to limit their participation in the child's life only with the payment of alimony and rare meetings.

In particular, fathers who live separately after divorce are very worried about whether they can take their child from kindergarten to spend some time with him. This is a particularly painful topic in cases where the father wants to communicate with the child and can devote time to this, but the mother is resolutely against any contact.

Speaking about the rights of the father in this case, one should mean the situation when the father fulfilled his parental duties in good faith during marriage, and was not deprived of his parental rights either partially or completely.

In this case, the rights to raise a child were and will remain equal - even after the parents are officially divorced. The responsibilities will also remain equal.

Do kindergarten workers have the right not to give the child to the father

If the workers in the kindergarten attended by the child are legally competent, they understand very well that as long as the father is not deprived of parental rights, he can take his son or daughter. Whatever relationship develops after a divorce between him and the child's mother, this is allowed for him by law.

When concluding a contract with a kindergarten, it is indicated who can pick up the child. These are primarily parents or guardians, as well as other adults whom the mother or father indicates in the power of attorney.

If, for some reason, the mother does not want the child's father to visit or pick him up from the kindergarten, she should apply to the court with a corresponding statement. Only after the court ruled that the father is prohibited from communicating with his daughter or son, the kindergarten workers can refuse him.
