To conquer a man who you like is one thing, but it is quite another thing to remain a mystery woman for him even after prolonged communication. There are some simple tips to help you stay mysterious and attractive to your partner.

In no case do not tell your man details from your past personal life, no matter how tempted you are to have a confidential conversation. Limit yourself to vague phrases, and then convince your beloved man that he simply cannot be better.
Don't tell your man where you are every minute, you should have some personal space. And of course, do not try to control the man yourself, constantly interrogate where and with whom he is.
A man is a hunter by nature, so it is useful for relationships to sometimes disappear from his field of vision. Do not call or write yourself, no matter how much you want, and after a while a man will certainly be on his guard and will look for you himself.
Periodically arrange pleasant surprises for your beloved, including in the intimate sphere, change your image at least for the evening. Warm up his interest in yourself by being imaginative. A man is essentially polygamous, but if his beloved can be unpredictable and different, he will not leave her anywhere.
There is no need to rush to acquaint your chosen one with friends and family, as the veil of mystery will quickly dissipate.
Try to maintain restraint in a quarrel with a man, do not rashly blurt out everything that you think at the moment. You will most likely make up, and the residue from your words will remain for a long time. A woman of mystery should not lose her temper; in extreme cases, she simply retreats for a while.
Do not dissolve in your man, no matter how much you love him. You are an individual, you have your own principles and desires, which he must respect.