Opponents of vegetarianism have come up with many horror stories about vegetarian meals during pregnancy. Is it really that scary?

Step 1
Pregnancy is a happy time in a woman's life. And so I want it to be also carefree. But for some reason, those around them consider it necessary to constantly advise something, even if the pregnancy is not the first and there have already been wonderful births behind, and wonderful healthy children are growing up in the family.
Most often, after advice on various signs and superstitions, advice is given regarding the nutrition of a pregnant woman: "Eat for two!", "You must also have a liver, otherwise there will be anemia!", "Meat must be eaten every day, otherwise the child will be born sick!" - any pregnant woman hears these and similar good advice and wishes one way or another. But is it really necessary "meat and liver" in the diet of the expectant mother?
Step 2
Vegetarianism is a food system that excludes meat and meat products, as well as poultry from the diet.
Vegetarianism has several branches: it is pescetarianism - a vegetable menu plus fish and seafood, dairy products, eggs; ovolacto vegetarianism - eggs are allowed, but fish, seafood are excluded; lacto-vegetarianism - along with plant foods, the use of milk and dairy products is allowed; veganism is the exclusion of any animal products from the diet.
The strictest of the listed types of vegetarianism is veganism. Although such important substances and elements for the human body as calcium, protein, amino acids are present in plant foods, it is necessary to think more carefully about the diet so that these elements are in abundance. And, of course, you need to listen, first of all, to your body, and if you want to drink a mug of milk or eat a little cottage cheese or cheese, do not deny yourself this. The fact is that not all herbal products are suitable for eating during the period of bearing a child. For example, such a useful product as parsley, which at the usual time can be preferred to compensate for calcium deficiency, is not suitable for a pregnant woman, as it can provoke an abortion.
In fact, vegetarianism is a provocateur of a healthy lifestyle. Most vegetarians do not use alcohol or drugs, do not smoke, do not eat junk food, chips, and the like. The diet of vegetarians is over
balanced, as these people eat more fresh fruits and vegetables than non-vegetarians.
Step 3
What diet is right for a pregnant vegetarian woman?
Bread. Increasingly, flour and yeast free breads made from sprouted grains with added seeds are found in health food stores and supermarket bakeries. This bread is the most preferred on the menu of the expectant mother.
Cereals. Whole grain porridges are very healthy. You can add nuts, fruits, berries, honey to such porridge.
Pasta. Choose durum wheat pasta. Cook them according to the time indicated on the package. Add some oil and fresh vegetables to your pasta instead of heavy, heavy gravies and sauces.
Oil. Choose unrefined and non-deodorized vegetable oils, mostly cold pressed. The most common sunflower oil is fine. Olive, linseed, pumpkin oil will also be useful. Sesame oil is very suitable for nutrition during pregnancy, as, among other things, this vegetable oil is rich in calcium. For frying, you can use peanut butter as it is the most resistant to high temperatures, especially peanut butter.
In the last weeks before childbirth, starting from 35 - 36 weeks of pregnancy, eat a tablespoon a day of unrefined sunflower oil with black bread - this will prepare the skin for the birth of a baby, make it more elastic and help prevent tears in childbirth.
Choose butter with a fat percentage of at least 82. If you want to fry any food, it is better to use ghee.
Fruits. Any fruit you want can be eaten as much as you want.
Vegetables. Introduce a large amount of green leafy vegetables, broccoli, into the diet, since these vegetables are most rich in calcium and iron. Broccoli is also a champion in protein content.
Berries. Eat any berries that are in season. After 32 weeks of pregnancy, make it a rule to eat one tablespoon of blueberries daily, fresh or frozen. These berries are good for the eyesight of your unborn baby.
Greens. Eat lots of spinach and dill. Eat celery and parsley with caution.
Spices and herbs. From the first weeks of pregnancy to 38 weeks, eliminate cinnamon from the diet. From the 38th week of pregnancy, you can return this spice to the menu. It promotes the opening of the cervix, which will definitely have a beneficial effect on the course of labor.
But you can add fennel to sweet and not sweet dishes, and it will be useful in the period after childbirth, as it increases lactation and helps to relieve baby's colic.
Salt. Eliminate table salt from your diet. Replace it with sea salt or Himalayan black salt, as this salt does not cause swelling.