Flirting: Several Techniques Of An Addictive Game

Flirting: Several Techniques Of An Addictive Game
Flirting: Several Techniques Of An Addictive Game

Flirting is an exciting game between a man and a woman. Light flirting may not oblige you to anything, just raise your vitality and mood, or it may become a wonderful prelude to a real romance. To be irresistible, it is advisable to master a few simple flirting techniques.

Flirting: several techniques of an addictive game
Flirting: several techniques of an addictive game

If you sympathize with a man, this can be subtly demonstrated in different ways. Men subtly catch such signs and appreciate when they are paid attention to.

The main thing for a lady is not to overdo it and to feel at what point it is better to stop so as not to look vulgar and too accessible.

  • You can attract a man's attention by looking directly into the eyes, which linger a little longer than the usual, fleeting glance. Learn to raise one eyebrow, combined with a light, mysterious smile, this will be a silent call to action.
  • One of the ancient seduction techniques is to run a hand through your hair or twist a curl with your finger. Such a gesture looks natural and feminine, and most importantly - it makes a strong impression!
  • If you are sitting in the field of vision of the man you are interested in, cross your legs, and after a while, slowly change legs. If at the same time you are wearing a short skirt, beautiful stockings and stiletto heels, the effect will be killing on the spot!
  • Your gait, if there is an opportunity to demonstrate it, should be graceful and smooth, like a panther before a jump.
  • The voice and its modulations are a powerful weapon of a woman. Learn to speak softly, slowly, in a soft, chesty voice - and you can bewitch any man. Turn to a man with some minor request or question, and you will have a good chance to start communication.
