What To Do When You Have Several Guys

What To Do When You Have Several Guys
What To Do When You Have Several Guys

Table of contents:


Not only can guys date multiple girlfriends at the same time, some girls keep up with them. They turn up two or three boyfriends at once to get more attention, affection and gifts.

What to do when you have several guys
What to do when you have several guys


Step 1

Write them down by name in the phone book. Affectionate nicknames can attract the attention of another beau and cause suspicion.

Step 2

In real conversations, it is better to give them the same cute nicknames so as not to accidentally confuse and not call someone a false name.

Step 3

Do not store memorable messages on your phone. Cards, gifts, flowers, and other romantic gifts should be hidden from the other guy's eyes.

Step 4

Plan your dates carefully. The time and place of the meeting should be thought out so as not to accidentally intersect with another guy, his friends or acquaintances. It is advisable to choose remote areas rather than walking in the center.

Step 5

Come up with a credible activity that will justify your absence. The same excuses about helping relatives and friends will help a couple of times, but after a while the young man may become suspicious. Better to come up with a long-term and realistic excuse - a fitness club, dance classes, Japanese courses.

Step 6

Choose young people from different walks of life. You cannot start an affair with two colleagues at once, because rumors at work will quickly disperse and the secret will be revealed.

Step 7

Learn to reliably lie or think over the answers to possible questions in advance. No matter how well you disguise yourself, one of your chosen ones may have suspicions, and he will begin to question you. It is advisable to enlist the support of friends who can confirm any of your words.

Step 8

Establish rules that are convenient for you. Make it clear right away that unexpected visits are not for you, and it is advisable to call in advance and make an appointment. All major holidays you meet with your family and friends. And if you decide to meet them with one of the chosen ones, he will be very pleased with such an "exception".

Step 9

Make a choice. In the end, any games end, so it is advisable to draw the line yourself. Compare young people, assessing all the pros and cons, and decide which one is better.
