Until recently, it was believed that the diagnosis of "autism" is a sentence for a child, since he will never be able to develop and live normally. Recently, however, the situation has become much better. Psychologists and healthcare professionals around the world are finding ways to help an autistic child feel the joy of life.

Autism is a mysterious and poorly understood disease. Fortunately, experts in this field argue that "classic" autists are rare, and mostly children show only a few symptoms of this disease. At the same time, modern medicine can successfully solve many problems of autism so that this diagnosis will not threaten the child with a crippled life. The main thing in this matter is to identify autism at an early stage.
If you suspect that your child is different in behavior or development from other children, then you should first of all contact a pediatric neuropsychiatrist. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination to determine if your child has autism. After that, he will develop an individual program of corrective education and treatment. But the main thing is still yours - your parents. You should not be afraid of your child and the fact that he will be left inferior. Believe in him and be patient and kind.
It is very important to create emotional and psychological comfort for an autistic child so that he does not leave the feeling of security and self-confidence. Only in such an environment can one begin to learn new forms of behavior and skills. At the same time, learn to observe the baby and analyze his behavior. Understand that it is difficult for him to live in this world, so you should not be harsh if the child does not succeed in many things.
Very often, autistic children refuse to speak or express their emotions out loud. In this case, the parent should begin to independently name all the objects that the child touches, after which over time, as it were, “forget” some name, which provokes the baby to overcome the psychological barrier and pronounce the right word. Buy puzzles, puzzles, lotto and other educational games. Do not be lazy to spend your time with your child playing.
Special training centers for autistic children are being set up in many cities. Visit one of these facilities with your child and choose a few activities for him or her. This can be drawing, modeling, theater and much more. Children in these centers usually have trained professionals who play games to help them develop fine motor skills, speech and self-care skills. It is also a plus that the child will be able to communicate with other children, which will improve his social interaction.