Having a child with autism becomes a problem and challenge for any family. It is difficult to accept the fact that the baby is not like the others. But in order not to complicate the life of the child and yourself, you need to learn more about the problem of autism and apply the knowledge gained in practice. With proper upbringing and psychological work, some manifestations that hinder adaptation in society can be eliminated.

Step 1
It is important for parents and others not to let the child's development take its course. Yes, such children do not strive for communication and establishing contacts and their interests should be taken into account. However, it is still necessary to involve them in communication, taking into account, of course, their daily routine and certain rituals. Moreover, the time of communication should be dosed so that the autist does not get tired of him. It is advisable to start doing this in a playful way, and then support the child's slightest desire to play. Usually, parents quickly notice verbal and non-verbal signals from children that indicate discomfort, and therefore know the time when it is better to leave the child alone, and when to communicate with him.
Step 2
It is also important for parents to teach their child household and self-care skills. Since autistic children rarely observe and imitate adults, unlike normal children, it is better to purposefully address this issue. This will help them adapt in society and, upon reaching a certain age, cope on their own and even live separately.
Step 3
If an autistic person is aggressive, has seizures, or is afraid of something, it is important to establish the cause of these manifestations. To do this, it is advisable to keep a diary of observations, where to write down some actions and methods with the help of which it was possible or not possible to cope with negative manifestations. One of the important rules for parents is not to deliberately frighten the child. If for ordinary kids there is a tactic such as "a gray top will come", then for autists this can lead to unpredictable consequences.
Step 4
When an autistic person does something, he must be sure to explain the meaning of this activity. Kneading dough, putting away toys, folding clothes - any action for him should make sense. The same applies to his stereotypes in behavior. Directing them in the right direction will help the child to better adapt to the environment. So, if the baby constantly strives to organize everything, to put it evenly from larger to smaller, it is even better to specifically ask him about this, for example, to arrange jars or fold books. In no case should an autist be punished for his rituals and stereotyped behavior - this threatens his safety and, to some extent, even safety.
Step 5
It is also important to properly motivate your autistic child. To do this, you can apply the principles of behaviorism: reward the desired behavior of children. This will motivate them to do the right thing. It is especially worth paying attention to the child's academic success. Since autistic people often lack interest in it, it is possible to positively reinforce the smallest, but still, successes.
Step 6
Some unusual ways can help autists adapt to the world around them: pet therapy (with the help of animals), hypnotic techniques, art therapy (treatment with dance, music, puppet shows, etc.), massage, etc. You can choose those remedial techniques that the child will like. Then the classes will have a greater therapeutic effect.
Step 7
The most important role in the upbringing of autistic children is, of course, the parents. In no case should you treat autism as a sentence. Yes, the child will never become like everyone else. Yes, often he will hover in some kind of his own, different from the usual world. Yes, he will sometimes behave differently than parents and others expect. Yes, he will not make mom and dad's dreams of a career or world fame come true. But he can express himself in creativity, and most importantly - be happy and make others happy.
Step 8
Whether the autistic person adapts to the world around him will depend only on the care and support of close adults, brothers and sisters, and other loving relatives. It is important not to close in your problem. Now there are several foundations, development centers, help centers and associations dedicated to the problem of autism. Even casual communication with families facing the same situation will be of great benefit. And communication with specialists who have been working with autists for many years will definitely not hurt.