Anyone has the right to refuse benefits, or rather a set of social services. Those people who have decided to restore their right to use benefits before the end of the year need not worry, since every year from January 1, according to the state register of benefit recipients, their right to benefits is automatically restored.

Social Service Refusal Statement
Step 1
In our country, social support is provided for those in need, it can be monthly payments in cash, or a set of social services. The amount of benefits paid is determined by the category, including free medical care, the provision of free medicines, spa treatment every year, travel by transport. They begin to act from the date of the appointment of monthly payments, but the funds spent by the state in the amount are usually more than the beneficiary could independently spend for the same purposes. Therefore, it is more profitable for a person to receive benefits in monetary terms and to independently buy medicines for themselves, go to a sanatorium for treatment.
Applications for waiver of benefits are accepted from January 1 and inclusive until September 30, suspending the receipt of benefits for the entire next year. The submitted application can be withdrawn until September 30. Thus, the state gives time to think and change the decision.
Step 2
There are several categories of citizens that make up an exception. They must annually submit an application for social benefits, this applies to Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of the Soviet Union and holders of the Order of Glory. All beneficiaries can get advice only from the local Pension Fund office.
Step 3
If the beneficiary does not have the opportunity to independently bring an application to the department of refusal, it can be sent by mail, having previously notarized. If, for medical reasons, a person is not able to visit the Pension Office, you can write a letter or call by phone and inform about your desire to refuse social services. Then the employees of the department come to the house on call and draw up the appeal of the beneficiary.