Dating is an exciting stage in a relationship that decides their future fate. People, undoubtedly, evaluate each other, form their own definite opinion about the representative of the opposite sex. There are several main points that girls pay attention to when meeting a man.

On the first date, a woman will definitely pay attention to the man's face. And if his chin is covered with untidy stubble, and instead of a hairstyle on his head there is something incomprehensible, it is unlikely that this will be highly appreciated. Yes, he, of course, can say in his own defense that he adheres to the grunge style or something like that, but this is unlikely to cause the guy much sympathy. The approval of his image is possible only if the girl herself prefers an unconventional approach in relation to appearance and clothing.
Clean, neatly trimmed hair, a well-groomed face, fresh breath are all important. However, do not overdo it with external polish so that the girl does not mistake you for a representative of sexual minorities. Everything should be in moderation: neat, stylish, courageous.
The next object worthy of a girl's attention is the figure of a man. Women don't like guys that are too skinny. They do not want to look complete against their background. They also do not like men shorter than themselves, such a stereotype has developed in society. Of course, it is pointless to fight with such natural data as height and body constitution. But any man, even the thinnest, can noticeably develop his muscles by choosing a diet in a certain way and paying attention to bodybuilding. By the way, when visiting the gym, in addition to the biceps and triceps, do not forget about the gluteal muscles. They, according to women, excite them no less than broad shoulders and a powerful torso.
Then the girl will pay attention to the neatness of the gentleman and various little things. Clean clothes, shiny shoes, a pleasant smell of eau de toilette - all this will be appreciated. Well-groomed hands, neatly trimmed nails without burrs are also very important. After all, a woman consciously or unconsciously, when looking at your hands, will imagine how they will caress her. It is worth paying attention to the smile, it should be open and sincere. Remember that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, so an interested, mysterious, business-like, but with mischievous lights, the look will certainly interest her.
When meeting with a man, a girl necessarily evaluates his behavior. Women like charming, confident men with enchanting charisma. You should not try to play someone's role, be yourself, but make sure that the girl does not get bored in your company. Representatives of the fair sex and the voice of a man are assessed. It should not be squeaky, better with a hoarseness or a masculine baritone, sexy and talking about a man's high testosterone levels. Women love friendly and outgoing men.
Another point that girls do not ignore is male intelligence. If a guy only talks about partying and drinking, he is unlikely to be interested in this woman. Chatting about the world, travel, the latest in science, literature, music, sports - all this is very pleasant. An intelligent interlocutor has a great advantage over others. However, make sure that your smart speech does not turn into annoying conversations that the girl is not at all interested. Otherwise, you will get a bore label. Courage, willingness to protect, gallantry, firmness, wit and originality in a man are welcomed and encouraged.