If your girl has lost her temper so much that she has ceased to control her actions, it means that you have “annoyed her” and you will have to calm her down, until piercing and cutting kitchen items are used. By the way, in this case, the reason for the emergence of such a threatening conflict no longer matters. Check out a few tips to help you cool down a potentially explosive environment faster.

Step 1
Do not get angry yourself. It doesn't matter what your half will say, even if she swears or even swears, try to think that "she will not be able to make me angry." Her condition can return to normal if she reads complete calmness in your eyes.
Step 2
Forget about logic altogether. If a woman is really angry, then no logical arguments and chains can correct the situation. It is better to just ignore her caustic phrases, or twist.
Step 3
If you are to blame for a conflict situation, be a man, admit your mistake. Most of the fair sex immediately calms down after that.
Step 4
Listen carefully, even if there is actually nothing to listen to but swearing. Do not interrupt your passion, let her express everything that is boiling. Only then should you express your own opinion.
Step 5
Try to please the woman / girl you love. If you disagree with anything she says, you don’t need to tell her about it right away. When a woman is in a deranged state, listen to her arguments. Even if it is difficult for you to do this, agree with the girl in at least something. This will help her feel that you respect her opinion and recover a little.
Step 6
Make eye contact. On the one hand, it may seem like a hint of aggressiveness, but it actually shows her how you are listening to her carefully. If you look away, you can be accused of all deadly sins, even if you did nothing wrong.
Step 7
Try to ask questions. This will also convince the girl that they are listening to her carefully and want to help.
Step 8
Take her for a walk. Even the smallest physical activity, as well as the relatively fresh air of city parks, will help your girlfriend relieve irritation and calm down.
Step 9
Use trivial but powerful phrases like: “I agree with you”, “You’re right”, “Sorry, I was wrong,” “Sorry.” Sometimes these phrases alone are enough to end discord and calm.