In accordance with the current Russian legislation, every working woman has the right to maternity leave. At the same time, for most of it, a young mother can count on significant cash payments.

Components of maternity leave
Every woman living and working in Russia can count on maternity leave. Unfortunately, many expectant mothers are completely unaware of their rights, as well as what monetary compensation they can receive when they go on maternity leave.
By the phrase maternity leave, it is customary to understand the entire leave that is provided to every working woman in the event of her pregnancy and the birth of a baby. It is known that it consists of maternity leave, subsequent parental leave for a baby up to 1, 5 years old, as well as parental leave for a child up to 3 years old. All these periods have different durations. The amount of cash collateral in all three cases will also be different.
Maternity leave that comes after the 30th week of pregnancy is legally required to last exactly 140 days. In this case, a woman is supposed to rest 70 days before childbirth and 70 days after the birth of a baby. If any complications arise during childbirth, the postpartum leave period can be extended to a full 86 days. If several babies were born, then the young mother has every right to rest after giving birth for 110 days. All this is spelled out in a separate article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
This allowance must be paid to the employee at a time for the entire vacation. In case of difficult, complicated childbirth or the birth of several babies, a woman can subsequently provide a corresponding certificate for work, and the allowance will be recalculated.
Instead of the mother, the closest relative of the baby, who will actually take care of him, can use the right to receive parental leave for a child under 1.5 years old.
After the end of maternity leave, parental leave for a child up to 1, 5 years old immediately begins. During this rather long period, a young mother has the right to receive monthly 40% of the average monthly earnings, which must be calculated using a special formula.
After the baby turns 1.5 years old, a young mother can expect to extend her maternity leave until the child turns 3 years old, but the amount of payments will be very small.
The procedure for going on maternity leave
In order to freely go on maternity leave, the expectant mother needs to write an application in advance to the personnel department addressed to the head. The written application must be accompanied by a sick leave of the established form, which was issued by the doctor of the antenatal clinic. A law-abiding employer is obliged to transfer maternity benefits to his employee within 10 days. As a last resort, this should be done no later than the next wage payments start at the enterprise.
It is better to write a vacation application in advance so that the employer has time to get acquainted with it.
According to the current legislation, a woman's work experience includes only 1.5 years spent on caring for one child. If there are two children in the family, then 3 years will be additionally counted in her work experience. Mothers with three babies will be brought into work experience for 4, 5 years of vacation.