Every year, the cost of teaching a child at school grows noticeably. Paying for textbooks, household needs, class and school repairs, electives, meals and an extended group noticeably deplete the contents of a parent's wallet. However, not all parents know that there is an opportunity to arrange free meals in a general education school. For this, it is necessary to confirm that you belong to the privileged category of the population.

Step 1
The first step is to determine if you qualify for the Free School Meal Benefit.
It can be received by:
- children from large families;
- children from low-income families;
- orphans or children left without parental care;
- disabled children;
- children who find themselves in a difficult life situation;
- children from families affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Each privileged category has its own list of documents. As a rule, the documents are provided to the social teacher of the school.
Step 2
In order for a child from a large family to receive free meals, it is necessary to provide:
- a written statement about free meals;
- a copy of the certificate of a mother with many children (father).
Step 3
Children from low-income families confirm their benefits with a certificate from the social protection authorities that their family is low-income, and receive the corresponding allowance. Additionally, an application for the provision of free meals is written.
Step 4
Orphans or children left without parental care also have the opportunity to eat free of charge in a general education school. For this, the guardian writes a corresponding statement. The list of orphans studying each new school year is provided by the department of guardianship and guardianship.
Step 5
To receive free meals for children with disabilities, you must fill out an application form and provide a certificate of disability.
Step 6
Children in difficult life situations are a special category, since this provision has no official confirmation. As a rule, it is the responsibility of the class teacher to determine the status of a “difficult life situation”. Parents need to explain to the teacher the difficult situation of the family and the reason why the parents cannot pay for the child's food. The class teacher draws up a report on the survey of living conditions. The social educator takes the document to the department of guardianship and guardianship, which must make an appropriate decision and send an application to the school for free meals for the child. Unlike other benefit categories, free meals will only be provided during the calendar year.
Step 7
Children from families affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant also have the opportunity to eat free at school. To do this, you need to write an application and provide a certificate confirming the preferential category.