The school camp has many benefits for both children and their parents. Children are supervised all day long, they are entertained, fed, they observe the daily routine, and at the same time they do not need to travel far and be cut off from family and friends. Parents will be asked to collect documents in such a camp in advance.

Step 1
The school camp is open 5 days a week during June and sometimes July. In August, there are no school camps anymore, as all teachers go on vacation. The school camp can be either full content - that is, for a whole working day, from 8.00 to 17.00, and half a day, then after lunch the children are allowed to go home. You should find out about the school camp mode in advance so as not to face an unpleasant surprise. You can address this question to the head of the camp or to the head teacher of the school. You will first have to collect a set of documents.
Step 2
The applicant's passport and its photocopy can be submitted by both the mother and the father of the child. In the copy of the passport, you will need to make a page with registration, since the organization that accepts the child needs to know where he lives and who to contact in case of emergency. If the child does not live at the place of registration, this must be indicated separately.
Step 3
Child's birth certificate. Another official document, without which not a single registration procedure for a camp, including a school one, can do. Make copies of the testimonials of all children in the family who are applying to camp.
Step 4
Help from work in the form of F9 about who the parent works and in which company. If one of the parents does not work, the application and all documents can be submitted by the other or not at all.
Step 5
A certificate from the clinic that the child is healthy and there is no quarantine in the family. You need to get help directly in front of the camp. At school, children must be additionally examined by a nurse before check-in.
Step 6
A parent's application with a request to take the child to the camp. It is written during the submission of all documents. A sample application will be given to you by the class teacher or head teacher.