When a girl breaks up with her lover, she is sure that the guy will be forever deleted from her life. At first after the breakup, she is overwhelmed with strong emotions, she feels resentment, irritation, sometimes in a rage she wishes the former partner all kinds of trouble. But it's not for nothing that the saying says: "Time heals." If the girl later regrets the breakup, she may well come up with a thought: whether to meet with a guy for a frank conversation, reconciliation.

Step 1
The best way to meet an ex-boyfriend is if he and you are invited to some kind of family celebration or a friendly party. For example, on the birthday of a relative or close friend. And the reason is very good, and the guy will be embarrassed to refuse - even if he finds out that you will come there too. In addition, the very fact of being on a visit, that is, in someone else's territory, will muffle your emotions and force you to behave with restraint. And this is very important for reconciliation.
Step 2
Therefore, if you know in advance that you will be invited, take the initiative and hint (or ask in plain text) to the hero of the occasion that the guy should also be invited. Surely they will willingly meet you. And then everything depends on you.
Step 3
When you meet, you need to look and behave in such a way that the ex-partner again feels interest in you, seriously thinks: was he in a hurry with parting? If such a thought occurs to him, reconciliation is just a stone's throw away.
Step 4
Suppose some time has passed since the end of the relationship, you have a new boyfriend, or you get married. What if your ex-lover himself asks you to meet? There is no definite answer here. Much depends on your habits, upbringing, temperament, ideas about what is permissible. For example, some girls will not see anything reprehensible in this: why not meet? After all, she is not going to cheat on her new partner! He just wants to talk, remember the happy old days.
Step 5
In this case, it is best (in order to avoid an ambiguous situation, suspicion) to meet with your ex-boyfriend somewhere in a crowded place, for example, a cafe or bar. Just in case, immediately indicate your current status and politely but firmly make it clear that there will be no return to the old relationship.
Step 6
If you are afraid that your current partner may misunderstand such a meeting or do not want to stir up the past, it is better to refuse the meeting - also politely, but firmly.