Effective Inhalation For A Child Up To One Year Old: The Right Method

Effective Inhalation For A Child Up To One Year Old: The Right Method
Effective Inhalation For A Child Up To One Year Old: The Right Method

With the onset of cold weather, little children often catch colds, a cough and a runny nose that require immediate treatment. Inhalation with medicinal solutions is the main tool in the fight against these unpleasant ailments. The advantages of this method of treatment are that the evaporated drugs quickly enter the lesion, there are no painful sensations and side reactions.

Effective inhalation for a child up to one year old: the right method
Effective inhalation for a child up to one year old: the right method

Thermoregulation of the body in newborns has not yet been established, and the immune system is poorly developed, therefore, changes in the weather, a decrease in air temperature often cause colds. Symptoms in such children are difficult to identify, because the baby will not be able to complain of perspiration, sore throat or nasal congestion.

In babies under one year old, cold symptoms appear suddenly, but attentive mothers can notice early changes in the baby's condition. A sick baby is often naughty, cries, does not sleep well. A baby's cold begins with a sharp rise in temperature up to 39 degrees. The child refuses to eat, his cheeks turn red, a cough appears, mucous discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing.

The most effective and safe treatment for a baby is inhalation. They are very effective in treating colds and viral diseases. Evaporating medicinal substances immediately fall on the affected areas of the mucous membrane. Carrying out this procedure does not create discomfort for the baby, and with the right approach, it can be turned into a game.

Inhalation has no contraindications, except for the individual intolerance of the baby to individual components contained in medicinal solutions. But this problem can be easily dealt with, because there are many "grandmother's" means with which inhalation is done.

For small children, inhalation should be done on the basis of rapidly evaporating medicinal products, for example, you can use essential menthol or eucalyptus oil, a decoction of chamomile, sage or needles of conifers.

Inhalation with baking soda solution or medicinal mineral water sold in pharmacies is very effective.

Parents need to know how to properly inhale. In no case should you do this with boiling water. A small teapot with a long nose can be used for inhalation. Hot water at a temperature of about 40 ° C is poured into it so that the child does not burn himself. A medicinal decoction or essential oils are added to the water, a tube rolled from a sheet of paper is put on the spout. Through it, the baby will inhale therapeutic vapors for 3 minutes. Inhalation is carried out no more than 2 times a day, 2–2.5 hours after meals.

Little children do not like to carry out this boring procedure, so during inhalation they need to be interested in something, for example, tell a fairy tale or come up with a story somehow related to the procedure.

For very young children, it is better to use special nebulizers, in which medicinal solutions are not heated, but are sprayed under the influence of ultrasound. Inhalation of drugs occurs through the mask, during normal breathing. Parents can control the process with a spray cloud.

Inhalation is very effective in treating colds, viral diseases, bronchitis, as well as asthma and other respiratory diseases. Inhalation of medicinal vapors helps to dilute sputum, moisturizes the mucous membrane and makes breathing easier, eliminates inflammation, swelling and accelerates recovery.
