A greedy man is a sentence. Life with such a person can be unbearable, so try to recognize being stingy early in the relationship.

He saves on every occasion
It is not always easy to recognize a greedy man at the beginning of a relationship. Moreover, with you he can be more than generous, because his goal is to charm and impress. If he's serious, he can make expensive gifts, drive you to good restaurants, and even pay for a trip together. Even if this is how it happens, pay attention to the little things.

A greedy man can scrupulously check a bill in a cafe, leave a change as a tip, disguise a car number so as not to pay for parking - the list can be endless. You should not be under the illusion that such a life partner simply knows how to count money, and will always be generous to you. If you connect your life with it, very soon both your family and you yourself will become the object of austerity.
He loves free
Love for the notorious "freebie" is the lot of poor and greedy people. Financial solvency is a special level of consciousness at which it is considered normal to pay for everything, be it any service or any paid content. A greedy man will always prefer a free one - download a pirated version of a movie, ride a bus stop with a hare, go to a cafe with a coupon, ask a friend for the service, instead of turning to a professional for money. He will not only try to "grab a freebie" everywhere, but also sincerely rejoice that he did not have to pay. Sometimes the desire to get something for free is simply embarrassing.
These are the men who line up in the evening and push everyone in the crowd to get to the store on Black Friday. They can visit several gyms using the "free first lesson" option and not buy a subscription. Men of this kind of mind have incredible imagination and the ability not to pay where possible. Only in certain cases can this behavior seem funny. If all life consists of this, you are in front of a real greedy person.
He talks about money all the time
If your man's activities are related to finances, or you are discussing business issues, talking about money is quite normal. In all other cases, too close and detailed discussion of money is a reason to be wary. This behavior can take many forms. Alternatively, a man considers personal enrichment to be the main goal of his life. There is nothing wrong with this if there is a specific deed or mission behind this goal. In the case when he needs money for the sake of money and at the same time at any cost, a man will be very anxious about every penny.
Another case is a man who constantly discusses financial topics, whether it be ways of earning money or discussing other people's income. Such conversations, as a rule, are based on envy and inability to earn a lot on their own. That is why greed is an essential attribute of such a person.
He is extremely price conscious
A stingy man is as knowledgeable as possible about prices and ways to save money on purchases. If you communicate more recently, it may seem to you that this quality is rather a man's dignity. He knows where to buy anything cheaper, from sour cream to TV. He is aware of all promotions, discounts and sales. He receives all the benefits due to him and with amazing zeal knocks them out for his elderly relatives. He has an impressive collection of bonus cards, and he would rather refuse a purchase altogether than make it without the proper discount. It would seem that not a man, but a gift? However, the constant search for benefits, even in small things, is not always synonymous with practicality. This behavior is based on unwillingness to part with hard earned money.

Such a man will truly suffer if he suddenly buys something more expensive than possible. Don't be surprised that this behavior will soon be projected onto you. Buying clothes from a new collection at the maximum price, leaving a discount card at home, forgetting about a tax deduction - such mistakes on your part will be equated to an economic crime.
He knows how to get by with little
“He lives beyond his means”: This phrase is usually applied to those who like to spend more than they earn. In the case of a greedy man, the opposite is true. He can earn quite decently, but at the same time he is extremely reluctant to part with money. To update the furniture in the apartment, if the old one has not yet collapsed, is beyond reason. To buy new shoes, if there are similar ones, is stupidity. Flying in business class with economy tickets is an unaffordable luxury. Such a man will always be proud of his ability to live in a minimalist style and will speak with contempt about excessive consumption. At the same time, he is unlikely to give excess financial resources to good deeds. The money will be mothballed in his accounts for many years and is unlikely to be spent.