Greed is an unpleasant trait in a spouse, however, a compromise can be found by following certain rules regarding the household budget. Financial conflicts arise in almost every family to one degree or another; they can be tolerated, of course, if they do not take on a pathological form.

This is an unpleasant situation when a man asks to account for every ruble spent. Basically, this situation occurs when a woman falls into complete material dependence on her husband. This can happen on maternity leave, job loss, etc. Perhaps this situation is temporary due to financial difficulties. In the presence of such an unpleasant trait in the character of a spouse, in order not to swear on every occasion, you should adhere to certain rules.
Keep a clear record of expenses
This is necessary for reporting to your spouse. While you are in a certain material dependence on him, you will have to do this. Then you can keep track of the money spent not only by your husband, but also by your own, in order to have weighty arguments in the next financial conflict.
Find a job or part-time job
This is the best way out in this situation, so as not to listen to your husband's eternal grumbling about unnecessary financial expenses on your part.
Talk openly with your spouse
Try talking to your spouse about your situation. Explain to him that it is unpleasant for you to constantly beg him for money to support your family. Suggest keeping track of large costs and not being greedy for small things.
Living with a greedy person is difficult, however, subject to certain rules of behavior, you can find a compromise in a relationship with such a person.