Raising A Little Greedy Man

Raising A Little Greedy Man
Raising A Little Greedy Man

In the process of development, each baby goes through a series of crisis ages. For example, the crisis of three years is manifested in children's selfishness and a master's attitude towards everything around them. You can often hear "mine" and "mine". Due to stinginess, conflicts arise between children that upset their parents so much.

Raising a little greedy man
Raising a little greedy man

When raising a child-owner, it is worth remembering that at this age he feels like a person and clearly distinguishes between his “I” and the world around him. Everything that surrounds him is regarded as his property, to share or not, he decides on his own.

First of all, there is no need to shame or scold your child for not wanting to share with others. And you should not give someone the things that belong to the baby either. The child's toys are his property, he can dispose of them at his own discretion. Also, you should never let other adults call your child greedy. The kid should feel support from the parents. And who, no matter how adults, know that personal belongings are property that can be disposed of as you please. And if in a group of children one cried, not getting what he wanted, you should not make someone to blame.

There are several steps you can take to teach your child how to share that will help your child overcome stinginess over time. Parents should explain to the child that by giving a toy to another for a while, it will be possible to get it back. Children often think that having given their thing, they will never receive it back. Try to carry out an "exchange". When playing with other children, you can always let your toys play and get something interesting in return. You should always leave your child's own choice. Since this is his thing, it is up to him to decide whether to share or not.

There are times when in a family where there are several children, there is no need to tell the older child to give in to the younger one. Children should be equal. But in the event that concessions occur at the initiative of the older child, one should praise and thank for the attention.

Do not focus on cases when the child does not want to share. For example, when guests come and, of course, they want to play with new interesting things. The child can take it with hostility, and persuasion in this case will not help. Everyone should be involved in a common game where everyone can feel, and the conflict will disappear.
