What If The Child Is Greedy?

What If The Child Is Greedy?
What If The Child Is Greedy?

Sooner or later, parents have to deal with childish greed. Usually, this character trait manifests itself in a child at the age of three to four years. Do not take it with hostility and be frightened, in fact, this is a normal state and development of the child.

What if the child is greedy?
What if the child is greedy?

By the time a child begins to get acquainted with the concept of private property (2-4 years), he mentally divides the world into "mine" - "alien". After about 2-3 years, the child will outgrow this feeling, the main task of the parents at this time is not to harm.

If you take the wrong attitude to childish greed, then you can raise a curmudgeon, or vice versa, a person who does not value anything, distributes everything right and left. In order to cope with childish greed, you need to understand that this happens very often when the parents themselves do not like to share and teach the child not to give their toys to anyone. At the age of three, the main authority for a child is his parents. Children whose parents do not respect their private territory are greedy. You can hit a child's pride hard if, without his knowledge, give his toy to a neighbor's boy. If the mother does not consider the child's opinion important, then he has to defend it himself. The child thus begins to swear over every little thing, trying to prove his right to property.

If the child has a lot of toys and you want to give some of them to those more in need, then it is better to invite the child to independently select the toys that he wants to give away. Explain to your little one that some children have no toys at all and they will be very happy if they get even a small part. Or you can solemnly collect and take the toys to an orphanage or an orphanage, and then arrange a small party. Then the child will feel the full significance of giving and will perceive this process as something joyful.

If a conflict situation arises on the playground, you cannot take the toy away from your child and give it to your opponent. For the child, you act as a defender, if in an argument you take the side of the enemy, then he will be deeply upset. Explain to your child that he can give a toy to another to play, and that this toy will be returned to him. If the child still disagrees, don't insist. If the conflict between the children develops into a fight, you must immediately distract the attention of both: offer to do something else, for example, ride a swing. Always be on the side of your child, even if you have to face negativity from other moms.

Be sure to explain to your child how to behave, and how to behave better is not worth it. It is almost impossible to teach a child to share his favorite toys, because even you have some things that you do not want to give to anyone. No need to scold a child for being greedy, it is better to cultivate generosity in him. Offer to specially buy sweets to treat friends, read good books about how animals share with everyone, and get twice as much. It is important to make it clear to the child that you need to respect other people's things.

If you give him the correct awareness of his own and someone else's property, then this will help the child to educate in himself an adequate perception of money and things. A little greed is inherent in any person, so it is important in a child to correctly balance these two concepts.
