It feels like you have always been together: went to the same kindergarten, then sat at a common desk at school, graduated from the same university. Games, secrets, parties - you had everything in common and it seemed that nothing could destroy such a friendship. But, after some time, you begin to notice that communication with your friend has become more rare, and then completely disappeared. So why does friendship end, what is the reason?

It is believed that school and student friendships are the strongest. This is really true, but as long as you are united by your studies. When it ends, each of the friends has her own work, which takes time. And, if besides studies and friends - classmates, there are no other common interests, then usually such a friendship ends with time. It also happens that friendships exhaust themselves. Such a friendship is built on the opportunity to learn something new from another person, and when you realize that there is nothing more to learn, the friendship gradually ends or communication is limited to rare meetings. Friendships with work colleagues are like student friendships. As long as you work together and live by the same interests, it is very easy to maintain friendships. But as soon as the work collective breaks up, then the friendship fades away. Very often, the reason for the breakdown of friendly relations is the marriage of one of the girlfriends. Family life is quite different from the carefree girlhood, where you and your friend danced in clubs until the morning and could lie in bed all day talking about guys or new fashions. The young wife now devotes the lion's share of her time to her husband, and meetings with her friend are becoming more rare. And when she has a child, then there may be no time or energy left for her friend. So are all friendships doomed? Not at all, it all depends on the people themselves. If they do not want to lose friendship, then they need to support it in every possible way. Talking on the phone, meeting in a cafe and walking together, communicating with families, going out into the countryside and a common hobby - all this brings us together very much. Life does not stand still, and it will not work to maintain friendly relations only with shared memories. Go shopping with your friend, sign up for creative or sports activities, be sincerely interested in each other's life, only in this case you will not be bored together, and you will keep your friendship.