Why Does A Man Quickly End Sexual Intercourse

Why Does A Man Quickly End Sexual Intercourse
Why Does A Man Quickly End Sexual Intercourse

Sex life is one of the most important aspects of the relationship between a man and a woman. Often, wives and just lovers are puzzled why a man quickly ends sexual intercourse. This may be due to the presence of certain diseases, psychological and physiological state, as well as the actions of the woman herself.

The man finishes quickly - what is the reason?
The man finishes quickly - what is the reason?

Physiological causes

The onset of orgasm and ejaculation in men directly depend on the degree of arousal. Studies show that, on average, normal intercourse lasts 12-20 minutes. During this time, the man makes several dozen frictions - insertions of the penis into the woman's vagina, which causes pleasant sensations in both partners, ultimately leading to orgasm. However, the structure of the penis in the stronger sex is noticeably different, which leads to differences in tactile sensations.


According to scientists, the length of the penis, the structure of the foreskin (as well as its presence and absence due to the operations performed), the thickness of the skin of the organ and the sensitivity of the head - all this affects the duration of sexual intercourse. For some men, just a few frictions are enough to have an orgasm, while others are forced to constantly look for a comfortable position, change it in order to get the necessary sensations.

In addition, the frequency of intercourse in the previous period also leads to a change in the physiology of men. Prolonged abstinence causes stagnation of seminal fluid, which puts pressure on the internal nerve endings, leading to overexcitation and a rapid onset of orgasm. Interestingly, a similar condition is triggered by different actions prior to intercourse. For example, playing sports and other physical activity increases the level of the male hormone testosterone and, at the same time, increases arousal.

Psychological reasons

A man's arousal before and during intercourse may depend on his psychological perception of the woman and the environment. As a rule, for a representative of the stronger sex, devoid of any deviations, not only the contemplation of a naked woman is required, but also response actions from her side: kisses, hugs, stimulation, etc. The sequence of all this allows you to achieve the optimal length of intercourse.


In other cases, a man quickly ends up from psychological overexcitement. This is especially common during the first few intercourse with a woman. Also, various factors of the process affect the partner: certain postures, the intensity of frictions, the smell from the female body, the movements of the partner, and even the lighting of the room. With their combination, orgasm occurs much faster.

Finally, some members of the stronger sex are unable to cope with the state of ecstasy just before orgasm. Usually, for this, men try to relieve a little excitement, for example, by taking a short pause, slowing down their body movements and “switching” thoughts for a while. Some, however, simply cannot fight the increase in arousal and are forced to quickly end sexual intercourse.


Male diseases as a cause of early ejaculation

Sometimes a man ends up quickly due to health problems. First of all, these include prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. If the disease is chronic, a man may practically not experience any painful sensations, but inevitably he is faced with such signs as:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • increased sensitivity in the head and foreskin;
  • early ejaculation, usually accompanied by a weak orgasm.

In a similar way, a man's condition is affected by prostate adenoma - a benign tumor of an organ. In this case, not only the prostate gland itself, but the seminal ducts are squeezed, which can lead to ejaculation even outside of sexual intercourse. Sometimes the seminal fluid even turns pinkish, which is a clear sign of inflammation.

Various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, including vesiculitis and urethritis, also disrupt the natural process of ejaculation. In addition, discharge from the penis, similar to ejaculate, may be a sign that a man has sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, even with a slight violation of the natural course of sexual intercourse, it is worth seeking advice from a urologist. If the problem is of a psychological nature, the help of a psychotherapist or sexologist will be useful.
