Friends play an important role in almost everyone's life. It is believed that the more, the better. However, sometimes it is necessary to end friendships because they begin to cause discomfort.

Step 1
First, think carefully about whether you really want to end your friendship with this person. Maybe the reasons why you decided to do this can be completely eliminated by talking frankly? Then the awkwardness in the relationship will disappear, and you can save a friend. But if you come to the conclusion that you are confident in your decision, act as tactfully as possible.
Step 2
Minimize all contacts. Do not call or write. Answer calls and messages from him as briefly and to the point as possible. Refuse to “just chat”. You can always refer to the workload.
Step 3
If you are connected by a common place of work, politely reject all offers: have a snack together, give you a ride to work, etc. Behave in the same way if you, for example, work out in the same gym, attend the same events.
Step 4
Show no interest on social media. Often invitations to any games, applications or groups are sent to absolutely everyone on the friends list. However, the recipient may regard this as a sign of renewed friendship. Therefore, if you did not remove this person from your friends list, so as not to offend, do not forget to bypass him with such invitations.
Step 5
Answer his requests with a delay. This is one of the strongest signals to end a friendship. Perhaps it is he who will finally make it clear to an already ex-friend that your relationship is over.
Step 6
Of course, you may not use such methods, but honestly say that your friendship is over, indicating important, in your opinion, reasons for this. But think, would you like to be in this person's place? This method is acceptable only in one case - your friend betrayed you and you know about it for sure. And if there is a simple divergence of interests, you should not offend the person. In addition, all people change, develop, and, perhaps, after a while you will be able to renew friendship.