Before deciding how to rein in your husband, think about what you want. If you occasionally want to be tough in a relationship with a man, this may be a completely adequate reaction. It is dangerous to constantly play the role of a strict mom in a relationship. And yet, if you need to achieve your goal, it is important to understand how you can and how you can not force a man to do something.

Step 1
Be consistent. If you set conditions, follow them. Let's say they promised to put a bucket of unbearable garbage on your head, put it on. They inadvertently blurted out that you would go to your mother, if he starts drinking, go away. If a man sees that your intentions are not intentions at all, but emotional blackmail, your threats will not affect him.
Step 2
Set specific goals. Not just "it would be necessary to start repairs in the kitchen", but "on Saturday, nail the skirting boards in the kitchen." Men do not understand hints well. And your global reasoning on the topic "oh, it would be nice …" they completely ignore. They need clear directions if you want to get things done.
Step 3
Make a plan. For example, if you're sending your husband to the supermarket to shop, write a list. There are a lot of lonely male shoppers who have pieces of paper with them. And write as specifically as possible: "2 kilograms of potatoes", not "some vegetables."
Step 4
Appreciate his efforts. If you want him to always nail the baseboards and go to the store on demand, praise him. He should feel like a breadwinner and a savior of the situation, and not a stupid teenager who is reprimanded by a strict mother. It's just that if he bought something wrong, make your lists clearer. Men are not as attentive to trifles as women, it is objectively difficult for him to remember why you are angry every time he buys fermented baked milk instead of kefir.
Step 5
Avoid public showdowns. Even if your man did something wrong, and you want to tell him about it, do not squabble in front of strangers. Neighbors, friends, or family should not see you talk to him about what he did wrong. You do not need to humiliate your knight over trifles, and then he will much more easily agree to your demands. And it will be easier for you to achieve your goal.