Eugene is a very entertaining person, he thinks one thing, but says and does another. He always pursues his goals, defends his interests. Eugene's marriage is not only emotions, but also calculation. He will find himself a woman who can make his life easier, but at the same time will not have much control.

Step 1
Eugene loves freedom and independence, he will not tolerate a strong woman next to him. He needs understanding, acceptance and ease. Any scenes of jealousy, accusations will not help make the union stronger, so he will choose a calm girl who knows how to be silent in some situations. Only a very smart woman can learn to lead this man, only love and affection can direct him in the right direction.
Step 2
Eugene will be happy with Alina. A girl with a beautiful name usually cooks well, knows how to organize life. She understands perfectly well that marriage is a job, not just a pleasure. She will build relationships gradually, each time improving them, making them deeper and stronger. She will be able to create her husband's dependence on the house, he will always come back with pleasure to spend time with his beloved and common children. Emotions in a couple will be bright only at first, then the passion will subside, but sincere friendship will come in its place.
Step 3
Zhenya will be able to build a stable and long-term alliance with Anya. She is a strong, confident woman, but she always lacks support. She has tremendous potential, she can achieve tremendous heights in her career, but she needs to know that she is the best, to hear confirmation. But at the same time, Anya will be happy to leave any activity for the sake of housekeeping. Eugene will control the lady of the heart, cheer her up, feeling himself the master of the situation. It suits both of them, and the feelings make the interaction very harmonious.
Step 4
The most emotional union Olga and Eugene. Such a couple seems very bright and fabulously happy. They can enjoy each other for a long time, and usually they marry for great love. These impressions make their life full and interesting, but we must not forget to constantly bring something unusual into communication, add some new feelings and emotions. Lovers may even quarrel over trifles, causing serious scandals, but all this is more often for the sake of a vivid reconciliation. It is not worth interfering in such processes, they will be able to figure it out themselves.
Step 5
Victoria will also make a good passion for Zhenya. But in this marriage a woman will be in charge. She will pretend that he is in control of the situation, but in fact, all decisions will be made by herself, only by presenting them to her husband in the correct form. The girl knows what needs to be done to be listened to, these skills are innate in her, and this makes her family very strong. Victoria and Eugene will live a long time if he does not get carried away by other women and give reasons for jealousy.