It is necessary to wash the child more than once a day, especially if he is still very small and does not go to the pot on his own. At first glance, washing a baby is an ordinary procedure that does not require any special skills and knowledge. In fact, not every mother knows how to wash a child correctly. It turns out that the washing process for girls and boys should be different.

Step 1
The child should be washed with warm running water using baby soap, which does not include various kinds of fragrances.
Step 2
When washing babies whose navel has not yet healed, parents need to make sure that no water gets into it. If, when washing, the navel could not be protected from getting wet, it should immediately be dried with a cotton pad and treated with brilliant green.
Step 3
You need to wash the girl in such a way that the stream of water flows from front to back. Such a condition is necessary so that intestinal microbes do not enter the baby's vagina with water and feces. The girl's crotch should be washed gently, between the labia, without penetrating into the vagina.
Step 4
It is easier to wash a boy than a girl. The jet of water during the procedure can run in any direction. First, you should thoroughly wash the baby's ass, and then his genitals and the area around them, without moving the foreskin on the head of the penis.
Step 5
In general, both boys and girls should be washed after each bowel movement, in the morning, immediately after waking up, before bedtime, and after each diaper change.
Step 6
After the washing procedure, you do not need to wipe the baby's bottom and crotch dry. It is enough to blot them with a soft towel, and arrange an air bath for the baby for a few minutes, letting the ass and genitals dry and take a break from diapers, panties, sliders or panties.
Step 7
Often there are situations when it is necessary to wash the child at the clinic, on a visit, on a trip, during a long walk. In such cases, wet wipes come to the rescue, which are very convenient and simple to use. It is better to buy wet wipes for a baby for babies, without adding aromatic fragrances, which often cause allergies.