Psychologists have proven that the hemispheres of the human brain work differently: the right and left halves of the brain are responsible for different processes. Depending on which of the human hemispheres is better developed, they talk about the predominance of one of the types of thinking: abstract or concrete-figurative.

Different functions of the cerebral hemispheres and types of thinking
Individuals with a more developed left hemisphere are most capable of logical processing of information, abstract concepts are easier for them, they have a more pronounced ability for languages and exact sciences.
“Right-brain” people perceive images and symbols more easily, they have a better developed imagination, as a rule, they choose creative professions. They are characterized by a holistic perception of problems and life situations.
Of course, there are no people who have developed only one hemisphere of the brain and the other does not work at all. We can talk about the predominance of one or another type of thinking.
A separate group is made up of the so-called ambidextra, i.e. people with equally well-developed functions of both hemispheres.
Ways to define a mindset
It is believed that all are left-handed, i.e. people whose left hand is the leading hand have a "right-handed" or visual-figurative type of thinking, which is also called artistic. Indeed, left-handers are much more common among representatives of creative professions. They have more expressed artistic, musical and other abilities. But even among right-handed people there are also many representatives of this type of thinking, so such a division will not be entirely accurate.
There are a number of visual tests (Pugach's test, drawing tests), which make it possible to approximately determine which type or way of thinking prevails in a person.
It is believed that at one time or another, one of the hemispheres is the most active. The Pugach test allows you to determine precisely the ratio of the work of the cerebral hemispheres at the time of testing.
However, psychologists more often ask the subject to perform 4 exercises and, analyzing the results, give a more accurate description of the type of thinking.
Test tasks for determining the type of thinking
1. The subject is invited to put his fingers in the lock and see which thumb of which hand is on top.
2. Through a hole in a sheet of paper located at arm's length, the subject is asked to look at an object in the distance, first with two eyes, and then alternately with his right and left eyes and determine which eye is closed when it seems that the object shifted.
3. The subject is asked to fold his arms over his chest in the Napoleon's pose and see which hand is on top.
4. The subject is invited to applaud. Only small children clap their hands, keeping them parallel to each other. In adults, one hand is on top and strikes the bottom. It is determined which hand was the top.
Based on the results obtained, it is concluded which hemisphere in a person is the leading: if in most tasks the right hand is active, the person belongs to the logical type, and if the left one is of the artistic type.
A more detailed examination of the results, we can conclude about other features of the human personality.
When doing research, remember that there are no "good" or "bad" results in psychology. It is wrong to think that "right-handed" people are "stupider" than "left-handed", and "left-handed" are not capable of perceiving beauty. Each human person has a set of his own, individual, only her inherent abilities and talents and, having determined them, can learn to use these abilities in the best way.