Despite the fact that there is nothing super complicated in the dating profile, when filling it out you need to know a few tricks that will help your profile stand out from thousands of similar ones.

Step 1
Information about yourself should be as detailed as possible. This does not apply to passport data, but it is advisable to describe your appearance, even though there is a photograph in your profile. The photo may be of poor quality or may not convey the characteristics of your appearance. For example, if the questionnaire contains only a beautiful portrait, men will still be interested in what kind of figure you have.
Step 2
It is also advisable to write about how you like to spend your free time, what kind of music to listen to, what kind of movies to watch. Many people are looking for a similar partner, so filling out these fields in detail will save you time that would otherwise be wasted on filtering out inappropriate candidates.
Step 3
Each dating profile has a field for a free description. It is usually called "About Me". Pay special attention to it, because the text in this field is usually read by people with heightened interest. The more original and interesting your story is, the more chances you have to interest potential partners.
Step 4
If you do not want to answer any questions, then do not fill in the corresponding fields. You don't have to answer questions about your sexual habits or the make of your car.
Step 5
The last and most important point is photography. Pay special attention to her, because both men and women evaluate a potential partner precisely from a photo. Choose a good artistic shot that portrays you in a favorable light. Also pay attention to the interior around you. Portraits against the backdrop of carpets or a smashed holiday table will not add to your points. If you do not have a good photo, we advise you to take it in the nearest photo studio, which have been missing everywhere lately.