Sooner or later, there comes a time when parents bring their baby to kindergarten. What awaits him there? How should mom and dad behave? How to make sure that the child adapts to new conditions as quickly and painlessly as possible?

According to the state guarantees of the Russian Federation, maternity leave for one of the parents lasts three years. But most moms and dads try to bring their child to kindergarten much earlier and they do the right thing. Such a measure is necessary for the baby to get used to it.
To help your child adapt faster in kindergarten, start preparing in advance. The most important point to facilitate addiction is formed self-care skills. In a preschool group, it will be much more convenient for a child if he knows how to hold a spoon, a cup on his own, eat with the help of an adult, use the pot on his own, or inform the surrounding adults about his desire to go to the toilet. Teach your child to do simple household things on their own, so you will greatly facilitate his stay in kindergarten.
Take care of your baby's clothes in advance. Do not buy things that are still large, the child will be uncomfortable in them, and due to age, he himself will not yet be able to cope with constantly falling pants or boots that are much larger than a leg. Also, things that have become small are not suitable, they will rub the body and cause physical discomfort.
Bring with you to the kindergarten more change of clothes: panties, T-shirts, tights. Even if a child uses the pot on his own, he can spill compote on himself or spray himself when washing his hands. It is preferable to choose shoes with a hard heel, it will not allow the baby's foot to turn up during games. Sandals should be Velcro and can be fastened by a very young child, and shoes with laces are only suitable for older preschoolers.
An important part of a child's getting used to kindergarten is communicating with adults. Before you bring your baby to the garden, teach him how to contact his immediate environment: grandmothers, your friends and acquaintances. Leave the child with them for a short time and under your discreet control. If the baby gets used to seeing around him not only parents, but also other people, then it will not be so difficult for him to part with his mother.
Take a walk near the preschool that your child will be attending in advance. Talk with educators, observe the communication between children and adults. During such walks, encourage your child in every possible way, explain to him that soon he, like all children, will attend kindergarten, meet new people, be able to play, walk and do interesting things.
After a day in kindergarten, be sure to talk with the caregivers about how your preschool child reacted to the new environment, treated the meals, surrounding adults and peers. Do not expect that the child will immediately fall in love with all new acquaintances, because the kindergarten is an absolutely unknown place for him. Calmly tune it to a positive perception of new impressions, and quick addiction to kindergarten will not keep you waiting.