Teething is an important event for a baby, and everyone starts it at their own time, but usually at the age of 3 months and up to a year. There are children who already have one tooth at birth, and some have them closer to a year. And what unites all babies during this period is a painful condition.

Step 1
Before emerging, the tooth passes through the gum membrane. And some parents want to somehow help this process go faster. But nature has tried so that teeth in children appear on their own, so pediatricians advise not to interfere with the natural course of events. You can only ease his suffering in these moments. There are several means for this. Previously, for example, a baby was given the healing root of marshmallow to chew.
Step 2
Nowadays, special rings are more popular. By the way, before giving such a ring to a child, it must be kept in the refrigerator for a while. This toy relieves swelling and soothes inflammation. It is best to use silicone rings as they can be sterilized.
Step 3
Even during teething, all kinds of medicines can help to lower the temperature, or special drugs for pain relief. But antipyretic drugs should only be given with the permission of a doctor. And on your own, you can let the baby suck on something cold. This will temporarily soothe the pain and relieve pressure on the gums.
Step 4
You can also rub a cold finger or spoon over your gums, or give a breadstick or crouton to chew. You can also use fresh fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber or banana. But, in no case, not a carrot, because if the first tooth has already appeared, the child can bite off and choke on it. If complementary foods have already been introduced, you can try cold apple puree or natural yogurt. Ordinary water in a bottle will do. But, since the child has a poor appetite at such moments, do not be surprised if he refuses to eat. In this case, you will only have to take him in your arms, hug him and calm him down.
Step 5
It is comforting that such unpleasant sensations will accompany the baby when only the first few teeth appear. And then the dental problem will gradually disappear. And later, teething will not bother the child until molars begin to appear.