Parting with a loved one brings a lot of pain. Often the desire to do something disappears, and all thoughts return to the same thing. It can be very difficult to cope with this condition on your own.

Step 1
Don't be afraid to express your emotions. If you keep the pain inside yourself, then it is unlikely that you will be able to ease the separation. As a rule, the most intense experiences occur in the first 2 months after the breakup. During this time, do not hesitate to cry if you feel that you need it. This will help you get rid of overwhelming negative emotions and the pain will go away faster.
Step 2
Tell us about your experiences. Words play a much more important role than it sometimes seems. It will be much easier for you if you speak out to friends or family. Some people think that you shouldn't shift your problems onto other people's shoulders. If you belong to this category, you can talk about your experiences to a psychologist.
Step 3
Limit communication with the person who broke up with you. The more often you see him, the more difficult it will be to get over the breakup. Of course, this does not mean that you will remain enemies forever. Just try to communicate less until the resentment goes away. Don't be afraid to lose a potential friend: a true friendship will endure a year of separation.
Step 4
Fill the resulting void in any way you can. Perhaps, alcohol is not the best medicine, because it only mutes the pain without healing it. It is better to turn your attention to sports, hobbies, dancing, etc.
Step 5
Communicate more. More often than not, during a relationship, people limit their circle of communication. Therefore, after the breakup, you can call your old friends and arrange a meeting with them. This will distract you from your problems and have a good time.
Step 6
Be open to new acquaintances. Life does not end at parting with a loved one, so you do not need to lock yourself in and think that you will not be happy with anyone else. Meet, chat, go on dates and soon you will forget about past relationships.