The belief that a person can be bewitched has existed from time immemorial. The power of a love spell can be so great that it is almost impossible to resist it. Therefore, the appearance of an inexplicable attraction to someone can be precisely the result of a love spell.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, a love spell is used by women to attract men, the opposite situation is much less common. At the same time, the love spell has some features that make it possible to identify it. If everything indicates that a person has become a victim of witchcraft influence, a ritual should be performed to free himself from it.
Differences between love spell and love
One of the main features of a love spell is the suddenness of the onset of feelings. Love can also arise suddenly, but there is one important difference: it arises almost immediately after you meet the person you love on your way. With a love spell, the situation is different - you can know this person for years, and suddenly at some point an inexplicable craving for him suddenly flares up in you. Such a flared attraction to a person whom you have known for a long time is a very vivid symptom of a love spell.
There is one more thing that allows you to recognize a love spell. You felt a craving for a person and began to seek his favor - if your love is a true feeling, the object of your passion, most likely, will not respond to it immediately. In most cases, men have to win the hearts of their beloved ladies. With a love spell, it is different - if a woman performed the love spell ritual, she will immediately respond to your feelings, because for the sake of this everything was conceived. It makes no sense to her to reject the courtship of a bewitched person.
To correctly perform a love spell, you need to know a lot and be able to. In particular, a competent love spell is performed immediately on the mind and heart. But most women who independently perform love spell rituals do not know these subtleties. As a result, the love spell affects only the sphere of feelings, but not the mind. The fascinated person finds himself in a strange state: his heart is drawn to the object of his passion, while the mind tells him that this is impossible, that it should not be so. Such a mismatch of heart and mind is fraught with depression, drunkenness, and in some cases, suicide attempts.
Love as a true feeling
Love is a true feeling and arises when people have a certain affinity of souls. The connection arises spontaneously at the energy level, the lovers are connected by thousands of energy threads. People who have lived together for a long time are so closely connected that they often understand each other without words, at a telepathic level - the same thoughts come to them simultaneously.
With a love spell, everything is different. The energy connection is created forcibly, the energies of people do not have the kind of community that is necessary. And this leaves an indelible mark on the relationship. A charmed man is drawn to the object of his passion, but even when he is reciprocated, peace in his soul still does not come. There is no joy, no happiness, the soul continues to suffer.
Knowing the main symptoms of a love spell, it is quite easy to distinguish true love from the attraction initiated by the ritual. You can remove the love spell yourself or by contacting a specialist for help.