Many do not believe that there are such things as love spells and cuffs in the world. However, if you open any newspaper of ads, we will see dozens of promises to bewitch a loved one, and even "without harm to the client."

Everyone wants personal happiness, sometimes at any cost, so the topic of love spells is now more relevant than ever, and anyone can become the object of this hunt. Especially if he lives with a family, but looks to the side.
As it is written in the book by Svetlana Peunova "My home is my fortress", a love spell is a subtle psychological effect, and its strength depends on the strength of a person's negative character traits. All this happens very slowly and gradually. If a person lives in a family, they first make a lapel from his wife, from children, and then they magically tie him to himself or to the one who ordered it to the magician. Signs of a lapel: between spouses who lived in perfect harmony, there is a misunderstanding, mutual claims and conflicts begin. But it is not they who scandal, but the magician controls them like puppets.
It begins to seem to the wife and husband that there was no love, that they got married by mistake and that they are completely strangers. The spouses do not even suspect that invisible walls have already been built between them, which do not allow them to understand and hear each other. But if you take a closer look and think, discarding all claims, it becomes clear that the situation in the family is not entirely normal.
Now there is no family on which such experiments would not be carried out, which in the young science of energy informatics are called effects on family break. The magician first carefully studies the character traits of the spouses and skillfully manages them, increasing the negative - he knows how to instill resentment, jealousy, fear and other emotions from a distance.
If a person is a little touchy, he begins to take offense at mere trifles, which was not the case with him before. If irritable, then this emotion in him simply boils, sometimes turning into anger or hatred towards a loved one. After a quarrel, he himself does not understand how he could have become so angry, and vows not to do this anymore, but everything repeats again, because the person is under magical influence and does not control himself. As they used to say in the old days, he becomes "not himself." Other negative traits are also amplified, turning a person into a monster. Spouses are not attracted to each other as a man and a woman, although for many years everything was in order. There comes a cooling of the senses.
There comes a time when loving people get tired of scandals and decide to leave - this means that the lapel worked. It is possible that by this time one of the spouses has already made a love spell - most often it is a man. He remembers that he loves his wife, but as if something does not let him go home. He does not want to go there, and he disappears in the garage or at work, or even in a drunken company. And the other woman is drawn like a magnet, although he feels that something is wrong here. This is just a love spell, when a person is forced to love someone whom he really does not even know. A man rushes between two women, suffers, but cannot do anything.
The wife plays a very important role here. If she does not give up and give up her husband, does not tell him to "roll" - she will save him in the literal sense of the word, because the bewitched do not live long. With her love, understanding and forgiveness, she will defeat any impact, and her husband will open his eyes - he will understand where the real feeling is, and where is the surrogate.
The main thing is not to get offended and self-pity. You need to understand that this thief has come and wants to take your husband, family happiness and prosperity from you. Just kick him out of the house and take all yours.