Before removing the action of a love spell, you need to make sure that this is it. In addition, you need to be aware that the connection with magic has never ended in good. If there is a firm conviction that a love spell has a place to be, and there is a desire to act independently, then you can begin to implement your plan. If not, go to the magicians!

Step 1
In principle, any magician can remove the action of this or that love spell. But in some cases, you can do it on your own. For example, you can go to church and pray for your family, for your family well-being. And you can use alternative methods - independently remove the action of the love spell. Since love spells are usually performed for love, then their actions must be removed accordingly. The most important thing here is to be imbued with faith and the thought of the happiness of your beloved, of the well-being of your family, and not of your own revenge on the one who bewitched.
Step 2
To get your man or husband back into the family, you need to light two purple or black candles. On a piece of paper, you need to write his name and the name of the woman who carried him away. After that, the sheet must be cut with scissors, dividing the names, and then both pieces of paper must be burned using different candles. After that, you need to go out into the street, holding in both hands the ashes from different burnt halves of the sheet. As soon as the wind blows, it is necessary to blow the ash from the palms in opposite directions.
Step 3
If a woman is sure that some otherworldly forces have intervened in her relationship with a man, then simple but effective methods can be applied. In order to remove the effect of a love spell at home, it is necessary to cause a negative reaction in the bewitched person. This can be done by spitting a piece of well-chewed rye bread in his face. You can pretend it’s a reaction to a cough. In any case, it is necessary to achieve a scandal. The fact is that a stressful situation will help to dramatically pull out the negative from a love spell, returning the energy of a bewitched person to its original state.
Step 4
To remove the effect of the love spell, it is necessary during the waning moon to come to the church for the wedding ceremony of two people. It doesn't matter if they are familiar people or not. You need to take with you a photo of the person who made the love spell, and a couple of candles. Candles must be burned in turn, attending the wedding until the very end. After that, you need to imperceptibly crumple the photo and throw it into the cinder basket along with two burned out candles. After performing this rite, it is no longer recommended to go to this church.
Step 5
To remove a love spell, you can use a rotten egg. On two different sides of such an egg, it is necessary to write the names of your man and his mistress. The egg will symbolize their relationship. Then you need to go outside the house and smash this egg with all your might on the asphalt!