After the decision to marry, or to get married, has already been made, and an application has been submitted to the registry office, of all the many questions that stand in front of you from this minute, one of the main is - how to choose a wedding ring?

After all, this is not just a piece of jewelry, it is the beginning of your happy family life. Therefore, this issue must be approached with full responsibility.
In ancient Greece, it was believed that it was inside the ring finger that the "vein of love" passes, leading to the heart. And as a sign of endless love and fidelity, the couple wore a wedding ring to each other on the ring finger of their right hand. Previously, the bride received a ring as a gift from the groom, first for the engagement, and then for the wedding, and subsequently wore both rings on her hand.
Nowadays, newlyweds choose wedding rings together. Jewelry stores offer a fairly diverse assortment of wedding rings, ranging from design to the material of the product. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake and choose the right wedding ring, prepare in advance, and our tips will help you with this.
Define your style. Take a close look at your hand and determine which ring is right for you. If you have long, thin fingers, you should pay attention to thin, graceful rings with small pebbles. And if the handle is chubby, then a wide ring will suit you. It is important to determine your size correctly. Remember that your hands sometimes swell or you may get better.
Want a pebble ring? Don't forget about the properties of stones. The ideal option is a diamond ring. This is a stone that promises eternal love, emerald - happy love, ruby - passionate. Don't buy an amethyst engagement ring, it is believed to be a widow's stone and can bring loneliness. It can only be worn with earrings. It is also not worth buying a ring with a dark stone.
The wedding ring does not have to be gold. It can be silver or platinum. Jewelry is not just pure gold or silver. To give strength to the product, for jewelry, an alloy of metals containing copper, zinc, nickel, palladium is used. You can determine the gold content in a piece by its fineness. In Russia, the highest purity is 900. That is, the gold content in this product is 90%. We also call it pure gold. The lowest sample is 375. You can also find 750, 583 and 500 samples. In the US and EU countries, the carat system is used. A product of 24 carats in quality corresponds to our pure gold, and further in descending order: 21, 18, 14 carats.
Check the quality of the wedding rings, it's quite easy to do. If you throw a gold ring on a flat surface, and it bounces off with a characteristic melodic ringing - a good quality product. The soldered ring makes a dull sound.
Gold can be distinguished by its shades. The most common classic type of red gold jewelry. The most expensive thing is white. In the west, yellow gold wedding rings are popular.
The average price of engagement rings ranges from $ 125 to $ 200. Rings from expensive alloys from $ 400 to $ 600. In some cases, from $ 900 and above. Most often, these are platinum jewelry.
Finally, when buying an engagement ring, be sure to look at the markings on the inside of the piece. There must be a sample and a manufacturer's stamp. Make sure all markings are in place. Try to choose a classic ring. After all, you buy it for more than one year, and you should like it in many, many years.