Holidays among grown-up children are always fun, even without the presence of adults. They are no longer small, they do not need to be entertained with fairy tales, drawing or other children's games. Teenagers are more interested in dancing, cinema, music or show business representatives. Based on such interests, you can come up with several games to entertain young people.

Dance games
Of course, you can just turn on music, come up with light music and arrange a disco. Teenagers will be happy to dance or sing along with popular singers. But it will be more interesting if the disco is diluted with games.
Hello game
This game can be played at the beginning of the party so that some girls get to know each other. The game is to greet each other while dancing. The presenter should show some simple dance with interesting movements at the beginning of the game. Then any music turns on and the girls stand in a circle. The first driver should choose one of the girls and say: "Hello, Masha (Olya, Lena, Katya)!" After that, the leader shows one of the dance moves. The girl on the left should repeat the greeting and repeat the movement of her friend. Then these actions are repeated until the turn comes to the very Masha, to whom the "hello" was intended. Then Masha becomes the leader and everything is repeated again, but with different dance movements. The game can continue until everyone has received their "hi".
Logical games
Guess yourself game
For the game, you need to prepare stickers that are easily attached to the forehead. The facilitator can set any theme for the game, based on the age of the teenagers. Then a representative of the chosen topic is written on each sticker. For example, for the theme "pop stars" you can choose popular singers: Dima Bilan, Valeria, Alla Pugacheva. Signed stickers are glued to each participant's forehead so that he does not see who he is. The goal of the game is to guess what is written on the sticker using leading questions. To do this, the participants ask each other questions, the answer to which should be only "yes" or "no". After the answer is “no”, the next participant starts asking questions.
Surprise Box game
It is also worth preparing for this game in advance. You need to put small items in a small box (matches, a pen, lipstick, powder, keychain, toys from "Kinder Surprise"). Make a hole for the hands in the lid of the box. Each participant, putting his hand into the box and grabbing any object, must guess what he got. If the player guessed the item, then he takes it as a gift; if not, it leaves it on the table.
Memory games
The game "Know who"
This game is about recognizing your friends. The birthday boy is blindfolded so that he does not see anything. You can put mittens on his hands to make the game even more fun. The birthday boy must remember by touch how his friends are "arranged" and guess who is standing in front of him.
The game "Kinopantomime"
For this game, you need to write in advance on small cards the names of famous films or the names of movie stars. The cards are shuffled and distributed to everyone who wants to show themselves. Then each participant goes to the middle of the hall and without words depicts what has been written. You can only use facial expressions and movements. The rest of the participants must guess who or which movie the player is showing.
Sweet games
These games can be held at the end of the party, when everything that is satisfying has already been eaten, and the dessert is still intact.
Game "Choco-box"
For this dessert game, buy chocolates with various fillings. Divide the candies into equal portions by numbering all the candies. Distribute portions to everyone. Players must try all the candies and write on a piece of paper what fillings are on her plate. The game can be played for a while, or after dessert you can calculate who has more accurately determined the composition of the fillings.
Jelly game
This is also a dessert game. The essence of the game is to eat jelly without the help of spoons. Each participant is given a serving of jelly and one toothpick. The participants need to eat their portion faster than the others in this clever way. The winner is awarded a prize, and the rest - spoons in order to finish off the sweets.