Adolescence is a difficult period for girls. Hormonal surges, a complete restructuring of the body, changes in appearance, which are not always pleasing, and even supported by self-doubt. But this is a very important period of personality formation, the time of friendship and first love, and it is wrong to "experience" it. How can teenage girls become more confident and successful? Several recommendations on this topic.

Features of adolescence in girls
Girls start adolescence earlier than boys. And many of the signs of growing up may not be very pleasant. Hair appears under the armpits and on the legs, which has to be removed, the hair gets dirty just at a cosmic speed, acne pops up on the face … All these are signs of hormonal changes. The organism turns from a child into an adult and acquires more and more signs of "adulthood". Of course, this is not permanent. But there is an opportunity to live this period with minimal inconvenience.
To begin with, all the changes that occur during adolescence are inevitable. So, you need to organize your life in accordance with them.
One of the main problems of young girls at the age of 14-16 is dissatisfaction with their appearance, and as a result - insecurity, decreased self-esteem, isolation, loneliness. After all, if you are constantly concerned about whether your hair is clean, whether you smell of sweat and whether acne on your face is reliably smeared, it is difficult to maintain full-fledged communication and establish new relationships. The problem is solvable, but it needs to be solved not from time to time, but regularly, self-care should become a way of life. And laziness has no place here.

Most of the problems with appearance are from the inside. And if you add to this the troubles caused by the "play" of hormones, then health in adolescence requires special attention. Firstly, you must not hide your ailments. There can be many of them: headaches, abdominal pain, dizziness, weakness. Yes, most of them are accompanying symptoms of growing up. But they can be minimized by taking medications prescribed by your doctor or performing procedures. Therefore, if some ailments recur, you must definitely tell your parents about them and go to the doctor.
Secondly, food. Diets have become a real disease for girls and young women. In adolescence, diets are allowed only for medical reasons! In all other cases, you harm yourself. The body needs calories not only to maintain life, but also to grow and develop the body and brain. If there are not enough of them, problems begin. Don't spoil your life, eat. But what is there is a separate question. Your body will not suffer, but will thank you if you "take away" chocolate, chips and other fast food, fried potatoes and other fatty cholesterol foods from it. This is not a taboo, but limit it to a minimum. But meat, fish, vegetables and cereals should be enough. The correct diet is neither difficult nor expensive. It consists of common foods, just try replacing fried with boiled or stewed ones. Discuss this with your mom, she will most likely support you. And if possible, you can contact a professional nutritionist. There is a lot of information on proper nutrition for teenagers on the Internet, just do not rush to dubious sites, find advice on official medical portals.
The result will not be slow to manifest itself. Hair will become less oily, acne will decrease, skin shine will also decrease, and fat folds, if any, will be significantly reduced.
Don't be guided by stereotypes. The most successful actresses and models are those who have a "twist" appearance. Julia Roberts' too big mouth, Kim Kardashian's outstanding butt, and Barbra Streisand's far from ideal appearance did not prevent them. Being close to the standard is not a guarantee of success.
Assess yourself impartially. Choose a hairstyle that suits your appearance, pick up makeup, create your own image - and all the disadvantages of your appearance will recede into the background, and your advantages will become noticeable. Just don't overdo it. The obsessive desire for individuality can look ridiculous. And don't do what will remain forever. Dyeing your hair green is probably better at fifteen than at twenty-five. But it is better to refrain from tattoos and piercings. Moreover, the modern industry offers a lot of temporary options.
Self-care should become a way of life. A clean, well-groomed face, hair and body will become your undoubted advantage. And given teenage characteristics, you need to monitor your body with special care.

First you need to find the right cosmetic products - for teenage skin. If acne is plagued, choose cosmetics for problem skin. Almost every company has a special line of such products. And then we must not forget to use them constantly. In the morning, wash your face with a gel or wipe your face with a tonic. Cream and cosmetics can only be applied to clean skin. Creams are not contraindicated, just do not apply a centimeter layer. Acne can be "cauterized" with special "point" creams or gels. In the evening, wash off cosmetics with a special product and wash your face. Then, again, a cream for spot application on problem areas, when absorbed, a regular cream (if necessary). Anti-acne cosmetics can dry out the skin, so it needs to be periodically moisturized and nourished. There are masks and creams for this. Necessarily in accordance with age! If acne is a persistent problem, and there is a possibility, contact a dermatologist and beautician.
The body also requires constant care. Acne can appear not only on the face, but also on the body. Also, teenagers sweat a lot, which also creates problems. It is necessary to take a shower daily, preferably in the morning and in the evening. But it is better to minimize long sitting in the bathtub: in warm water we sweat heavily, the sebaceous glands are clogged. Although a bath with herbal tea once a week will only be useful. There are special shower gels for teenage skin, it is better to use them. Scrubs are fine, but not very aggressive and no more than twice a week. Special deodorants and sprays will protect you from the smell of sweat. There are a lot of them, from the expensive types "Dry-dry" and "Maxim" to the quite budgetary spray of Teymurov.
It is believed that hair should not be washed every day. This is wrong. Hair should be washed as it gets dirty. If you are a happy owner of hair that does not require constant washing, you are in luck. If by the evening my hair looks stale, greasy - mine. This also applies to the use of styling products. They must be washed off. Even if the next day you have planned to put your hair in a "ponytail", they still need to be washed. You need to know that dirty hair smells very unpleasant, which will not add to your popularity. It is very important to choose the right care products. The shampoo should be suitable for your hair type and characteristics. You may have to try more than one option before you find "your", but this is inevitable. The statement that the type of shampoo needs to be changed from time to time is a myth. You can use the same shampoo as long as it suits your hair. But if the type of hair changes, the shampoo must be selected again. As for balms and conditioners, they will only benefit your hair. But here, too, do not forget about the correct use. The balm is applied only to the hair, without touching the scalp. And do not coat your hair with balm in three layers. very little is needed. To make your hair less dirty and stay fresh longer, it is useful to rinse it with herbal decoctions. Chamomile, nettle, calendula, string are very good. If your hair is too dry, use hair oils.
The main thing is that they must be clean and tidy. Salon manicure or "independent" will not add beauty if there is "mourning" under the nails. Too long nails at a young age look ridiculous, especially if they are painted with bright varnish. So that the cuticle is neat and burrs do not appear, smear your nails and fingers with vitamin A. You can also use special cuticle products and any cosmetic oils.

To paint or not to paint is a personal matter. Most older schoolgirls choose the former. If you use makeup, do not forget - the main thing is measure. A young girl with aggressive makeup looks funny and ridiculous. And the majority do not need it. Maiden skin is fresh and smooth; excess makeup will only spoil it. The main task of makeup is to hide flaws and highlight advantages. This is what should be emphasized when choosing cosmetics.
Use concealers to conceal acne, light foundations, mascara, lip glosses. Don't get carried away with foundation. A face that looks like a mask will not make you prettier. Think carefully before using bright eyeshadow and blush, especially during daytime.
There are many useful articles and blogs on the Internet about the rules for applying makeup. Study them. But do not take all the advice on faith, think before you apply.
Most importantly, clothes should be clean and tidy. Tights with hooks, a stretched turtleneck, a blouse with a greasy collar will nullify all your efforts on the way to beauty and success, make your look cheap and sloppy. Take the time to keep your wardrobe in order.
How to dress is up to you. The task of clothing, like makeup, is to hide flaws and emphasize advantages. Choose a style that suits your external and internal needs. Youth is a time of experimentation. Experiment, have fun, create your own style. But don't get carried away. First, learn the basics of the style, and then fill it up using this base. There are many style sites on the Internet. Little life hack: most of them offer several lessons for free, and then invite you to pay tuition. These introductory lessons will be enough for you to form your own idea of the style and decide.

And finally. They are greeted by clothes, but escorted by the mind. No matter how good you look, if there is an "evil thorn" under your appearance, it will be difficult to become successful and make friends. Treat others the way you want them to treat you, they will appreciate it. Good luck.