How To Choose An English School Or Teacher For Your Kid: 5 Helpful Tips

How To Choose An English School Or Teacher For Your Kid: 5 Helpful Tips
How To Choose An English School Or Teacher For Your Kid: 5 Helpful Tips

What to look for when choosing a teacher or group for the smallest students.

How to choose an English school or teacher for your kid: 5 helpful tips
How to choose an English school or teacher for your kid: 5 helpful tips

Many modern parents think about at what age it is worth starting to learn foreign languages with a child. There are many opinions on this, but as an expert in children's English with many years of experience, I can say for sure that early classes (from 2 years old) definitely bear fruit. At this age, the child does not perceive English as a foreign language, he simply remembers it in the same way as he remembers his native language. That is, the child simply begins to know the language. And constant practice, for example, in the form of songs or cartoons in English, helps the child to identify words, and also teaches them to perceive the language by ear (which sometimes even adult practitioners cannot boast of).

Therefore, you need to connect developing activities with kids if you want your child to have a good command of English in the future. But when choosing a teacher or a developing school, it is worth considering several features characteristic of children of this age:

  1. Classes with kids should be short (20-20 minutes), but at the same time contain many types of activities: games at the table, looking at pictures, outdoor games, songs.
  2. It is important that the lessons have a clear structure (this is how children get used to the format, behave well in the lesson), however, that the tasks themselves periodically differ: no one likes routine and monotony, but the new element will be remembered much better by the child.
  3. When choosing a teacher or a group, pay attention to how the class is designed, what materials will be used: there should be colorful A4 pictures, preferably laminated and with clear, understandable images. In the classroom, toys are usually used, but without small parts that the baby can swallow.
  4. Pay attention to the formats of the assignments that are given to the children during the lesson. At this age, the basis of the lesson is funny songs. It often happens that children do not want to do anything at all in class, are distracted, but listen to songs with pleasure, dance and perform tasks to the music.
  5. The first time (a month, and sometimes six months), the kids do not begin to speak English. There is no need to panic or change the teacher / group - the child just has a period of "absorption". After all, the baby also does not immediately start talking in his native language, at first he just listens to those around him. All children are different: some are actively involved in games, while others need more time to get used to. Therefore, if at first your kid does not want to play with other children or is silent when the teacher talks to him, do not scold or force him - let him just look. But he will definitely join the others when he is ready himself.